I hear a door open behind us and I turn my head, spotting Jax emerging from his room. He smiles at me, walking over and sitting down on the other side of me.

"What are we watching?" he asks, leaning over me to grab some chocolate.

"Gossip Girl," Chase and I answer at the same time.

Jax snorts. "Fine. You'll have to get me up to speed."

Laughing, I give him a quick run down of the pilot episode, explaining who all the characters are. When I finish, Chase reaches behind me, tapping Jax on the shoulder.

"Addie has a date tomorrow night."

"Oh?" Jax asks, looking at me in surprise. "Good on you. Who is it?"

I pull out my cell, bringing up Ethan's profile. The two of them pass the cell between them, nodding.

"He looks nice," Jax says, handing it back to me.

A little while later, Beau returns from classes, finding the three of us curled up on the couch. He drops his bag next to mine, sitting on the other side of Jax.

"Gossip Girl?" he asks with amusement.

"It's surprisingly good," Jax mumbles, engrossed in the tv.

I can't help but laugh as I look around, the four of us sitting on the couch together. It really feels like home.

And I guess that's why they say home is where the heart is.

"It'ssupposedtobea little cooler tonight," Chase says, digging through my new clothes that are now hanging up in his closet.

He was kind enough to share his space, letting me store my clothes instead of leaving them scattered all over the living room floor.

"So, not the skirt?" I tease.

His lips twitch as he shoots me a devilish look over his shoulder. "I think the skirt should be reserved for special occasions. How about this pair of shorts?"

Chase pulls out a pair of black, high waisted shorts. He shoves more clothes aside, reaching for a white tank top.

"And this shirt tucked in. Try it on. I need to see it on you to visualize."

I start undressing on the spot, no longer self-conscious about my body. How can I be when every night they are making me feel like I'm the center of their universe?

I slip the shirt and shorts on, tucking them neatly before giving a little spin. Chase nods in approval, his eyes pausing on my legs.

"I think we need to get you dressed quickly before Iaccidentallymake a mess of your outfit."

Laughing, I shove him away, reaching to the bottom of the closet to grab a pair of shoes. I decide on some lace up brown sandals, the straps tying up around my ankles.

I head out of the bedroom into the living room and stand in front of Jax and Beau, who are perched on the couch eating a snack and looking at their cells.

"How does this look?"

They gaze up, giving me the up and down check.

"Looks perfect," Beau mumbles. "Wear your hair down. Your curls look really good today."

"It's been a good hair day despite the heat," I say, pulling my hair tie out and fluffing my locks around my shoulders.

My cell dings from the kitchen, and I rush to get it, checking the text.