I pause, looking at him guilty. Deciding there's no point in lying, I nod.

"Yeah. Chase told me about it."

Realization dawns on his face as he nods. "Ah. That would definitely explain it. Well, I'm glad you know what that is. Here, lay down with me."

He puts his arm out and I lay down on it, resting my head on his bicep. He lifts his arm, his fingers grazing my head.

"Was that okay?" he asks.

I nod against him. "Yeah. It was good. You didn't hurt me."

"Good," he murmurs, closing his eyes. "I want you to realize how much power and control you can have, even in situations like that. I should have warned you beforehand. I got a little carried away – I'm sorry."

"Don't be," I say sincerely. "I have safe words. I would have told you if it was too much."

Beau chuckles. "Chase taught you well, it seems. Colors?"

"Yeah. So, you'll know for next time if anything is too much."

He throws me an amused look. "Next time? Does this mean you want our help?"

I turn around, facing my back towards him. "Maybe. If you're good."

Chapter 18

Thelastdayoffreedom comes too quickly. When I wake up the following day, I find myself alone in Beau's bed.

My clothes have been neatly folded and placed on the chair, which makes me smile.

I figure there's no use trying to sneak out. I imagine everyone knows by now.

I get dressed before heading out to the living room. It's empty and I find my cell on the couch still from last night.

I check the time and realize the guys might be at training – that's if they train on a Sunday. They are nowhere to be seen so it's the only thing I can think of.

My stomach rumbles with hunger so I head to the kitchen and grab some cereal. Sitting on the couch, I grab the remote and flick the tv on, pleased to find Gossip Girl as a suggestion on Netflix. It seems I'm taking over their apartment in many different ways.

I find the episode I was last up to back at my old apartment and settle in with my cereal. When I finish eating, I scroll my cell and check messages while watching Chuck confess his love to Blair.

I've got several messages from Maxine, as well as missed calls. I skim them quickly, reading a half-assed apology and a poor explanation before blocking her number. As far as I'm concerned, they don't exist to me anymore.

Some time later, I hear a key in the lock and look over my shoulder as the door opens. Jax walks in, a grocery bag in his hand.

"You're awake finally," he says, heading to the kitchen.

"You're home finally," I clap back playfully, watching his lips tug into a smirk as he puts away the shopping.

I stand up and head into the kitchen, putting my empty bowl in the sink. "Do you want a hand?" I ask.

"Nah," he says, opening the fridge. "There's only a few things here. Chase sent me to the store to grab some things for dinner. He wants to try a new recipe apparently. Something about us all needing a proper meal before classes tomorrow."

"Are you looking forward to the new semester?" I lean against the bench, watching him.

Jax scrunches up the plastic bag when all the items have been taken out of it, rolling it into a ball and putting it under the sink in the cupboard. "God, no. But I only have one more year until I'm finished. I can't wait to be done with college."

"What do you want to do afterwards?" I press, realizing I hadn't considered what else they would do besides track running.

Jax looks at me, pausing. "Beau hasn't told you? Our parents own a business back home. We have jobs lined up when we graduate. Nothing too exciting but it will still give us the ability to do athletics."