I never stopped to realize that Jax and Beau could be two of the elitist snobs that Groveton often caters to. They don't have the personality of a fruitcake but I guess living close to campus on the top floor of an apartment complex should have alerted me sooner that they come from money.

"Oh," I mutter. "It's good they are supportive."

Jax laughs dryly. "Let me guess. You didn't peg us as trust fund babies."

I shake my head. "Not at all. Do you? Have a trust fund that is?"

"Yeah," he answers casually. "It comes in handy because we don't have to work while training and we can focus on that. But it's a modest amount. We don't drive around in Porsches or anything. Our Dad built the company from the ground up when he met Mom. He came from nothing and counted pennies, so they have always taught us to be frugal with our spending."

I'm honestly a little impressed. It explains why they are different from the snobs on campus, but I still feel a little like an outsider with my scholarship andactualpennies.

"What about Chase?" I ask. "Trust fund baby?"

Jax laughs. "No, he's not. He's an only child with a single mother. His Mom worked multiple jobs when he was growing up so she could put every spare penny into a savings account for college."

My heart revels at the new information. I guess I'm not as much of an outsider as I thought.

"But Chase doesn't work? How does he afford stuff?"

The question suddenly reminds me of my own work, realizing I need to pick up some extra shifts pronto as my money starts to dwindle.

Jax gives me a confused look. "Chase works. He creates websites for people. I help him from time to time when he gets stuck with back end stuff."

"I had no idea," I mutter, embarrassed. "I need to check my shifts to see if the new roster is out. No doubt work is getting busy now that everyone is back on campus."

"You know you don't need to give us anything, right? You can stay here for as long as you need, and we're more than happy to cover food. I'd say the couch isn't overly comfortable for long term use, but Beau may have solved that problem last night."

I look away, scratching my neck. "Yeah. But I'm still looking anyway. I just need to find something cheap. There's not much available at the moment but I was going to see if there was anything on campus that I could have under my scholarship."

"Not likely this close to the start of semester. People organize rooms months in advance. We signed the lease on this place six months before Freshman year started," Jax says, giving me a sympathetic look.

I nod, defeated. "I'm sure I'll figure it out. In the meantime, I'll try not to take up too much space here."

"You don't take up any space. Just be careful sleeping in Chase's bed. That guy snores like a freight train."

Thefourofusare up bright and early the next day for classes. The guys walk me over to campus before we say our goodbyes in the quad before heading our separate ways.

I slept in Beau's bed again last night and got a decent sleep – well, as much as I could after burning some calories.

My first class is Texan History, which I find oddly enlightening. I have a general idea of some local history from my research when I got accepted into Groveton, but it's fascinating to learn more about the state and the area.

Following History, I have a subject about editing. This particular unit teaches us about editor roles and the process from writing to production, and covers all things copy editing like headline writing, graphics and caption writing. I find myself engrossed in it, my love of journalism blossoming as I start doing what I love.

We're given a small task – a small clipping about a fictional event and told to create a capturing headline, proofread the article and choose a photo from the college's archives to use if it was being published in a real newspaper.

My mind starts whizzing through ideas up until we're excused from class, and I know what I'll be doing tonight when I get home.

As far as I know, the guys had some morning classes and then had track work in the afternoon. I decide to head down to the field on my break to see if I can spot them.

There's a lot more people on the field than before the semester started, with a variety of athletes everywhere. There's people in the corner with shot puts and javelins, people running track and alternating distances, long and high jumpers in designated spots.

As I approach the bleachers, I spot a familiar face lingering around.

"Hey Chrizzy," I smile, taking a seat next to her.

"Addison!" she beams. "It's good to see you again. I hope my brother has been nice to you."

My cheek flush as I avoid telling her exactly how nice Beau has been. He was nice three times last night and twice early this morning.