Therewasnosignof Aaron or Maxine for the rest of the night. It gave me a sense of accomplishment to know I had driven them from the club with their tails between their legs. If their expressions were anything to judge by, they are all repulsed at each other now, which gives me a sickening sense of winning.

I managed to calm myself down enough to get back out onto the dancefloor, taking turns dancing with the three guys. Even Jax danced, something I never thought he would do.

As it started getting late, we headed back to the apartment. It's the best feeling in the world sitting down after a night out, especially when your legs feel like they are going to fall off.

When we arrive back, Chase and Jax head to their rooms shortly after, waving to us goodnight. I'm not ready for sleep yet, still worked up from earlier so Beau offered to stay up with me for a bit.

I'm still reeling when the two of us lay on the couch, stretched out as we scroll on our cells.

"You did well tonight," Beau says after we sit in silence for a bit.

"I swear my heart is still racing from the adrenaline. You should have seen their faces," I laugh quietly. "You guys are becoming a bad influence on me."

Beau stretches, watching me. "I think what you did was really brave. It takes a lot to stand up to abusers. Especially when your natural instinct is to keep the peace. Staying silent is often a trauma response so for you to stand up for yourself, that's a huge achievement for you."

"Thanks," I mutter, giving him a smile. "In fact, I think I'm even ready to give the dating thing another go."

His eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "Really?"

I nod. "I can't spend my life being afraid. I don't want Aaron to have any more power over me. What he did to Oliver was terrible, but I can't spend the next few months terrified that every time I'm with someone new, he's going to ruin it. He's not allowed to do that."

"No, he's not," Beau agrees.

I groan as I adjust my position on the couch. "I'm so sore from all the dancing though. This couch is amazing but I think tonight is going to be difficult to get comfortable. Pretty sure I moved muscles tonight that have never been worked."

"You can sleep in my bed if you want," he answers casually.

"I couldn't do that to you," I mutter, whinging as I struggle to get comfortable.

Beau stands up and walks over. "Come on," he says, offering his hand. "You need rest for classes. Besides, it won't kill you for one night."

I look at his hand hesitantly before slowly taking it and letting him help me off the couch. We head to his room, my face flushing when I spot the bed and remember our little encounter the other day.

"At least this time you don't have to sneak in," Beau teases, pulling the blanket back.

"Funny. I'll never live that down," I mutter, copying him on the other side.

I slide into the bed, groaning at the softness of the mattress and pillow. It feels like Heaven against my tired, sore body and his blanket hugs me like a mother would her child.

Beau pulls his shirt off. "I sleep in boxers. Hope that is okay."

"It's your bed. You do what makes you comfortable," I say, looking over at him.

He slides in next to me, adjusting the blanket to make sure we are both covered completely. He turns on his side to face me and I follow suit, resting my cheek on my hand.

"How about a little D&M? A little deep and meaningful conversation" I ask quietly.

"I love D&Ms," Beau says. "What's on your mind?"

I ponder the next words out of my mouth, wondering if I'm overstepping a line. But as the days pass, I realize these guys are growing on me and becoming my best friends. I want to know more about them and be there for them as much as they have been there for me.

"What's got you all distracted lately?" I ask, watching his face for his reaction.

Beau doesn't smile immediately at first, his eyes scanning my face. He hesitates before finally answering.

"Just before we met at the club, Chrizzy came to me for help. She was dating a loser too, and he tried to force himself onto her. I was meant to help her collect some stuff that she had left at his apartment one day but we ran into him. I accidentally… on purpose… broke his nose."

"Oh my God," I mutter. "I had no idea."