None of them notice me until the very last second, Maxine's eyes widening as she spots me first.

"Addie!" she stumbles. "What are you doing here?"

"What areyoudoing?" I snap, allowing her to see the pain in my eyes.

Aaron grabs my arm, pulling me towards him. "Addison, don't make a scene."

I rip my arm out of his grip, turning around to face him. "You're a real piece of shit, Aaron. I'm not sure which one of you is worse, but you are both terrible people."

Behind me, I can sense Chase standing at my back. It gives me more confidence, making me feel protected.

"Addison," Maxine starts, her eyes pleading.

I know her well though. Max doesn't have a conscience, not a big one at least. She is more embarrassed about being caught, rather than my feelings.

"Don't," I tell her. "I already knew so you can save your lies. I know you were one of the girls he cheated on me with."

Aaron huffs. "I didn't cheat on you. You-"

"I saw your secret folder on your cell, Aaron. You've been having an affair for months with Maxine. Both of you should be ashamed of yourselves for going behind my back."

Maxine looks at Aaron accusingly, while he just stares at me with a blank expression. He can't deny it, he knows I'm telling the truth.

"You are without a doubt, the most fucked up person I have ever met, Aaron. I used to be afraid of you, but I'm not any more. You no longer have any power over me. Gone are the days where you can bully me into doing what you want," I snap, before looking at Maxine. "And you. You are not my best friend, you never were. You care more about boys and sex than anything else. Except yourself. You self-centered egotistical twit."

Her mouth flies open as she stumbles back. Never, not once, in our entire friendship have I spoken to her like that.

I turn my attention to the stranger and scoff. "And you. I don't even know you so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. But both of these assholes have chlamydia so I would get checked if I were you."

His face scrunches up in disgust as he looks at the other two with angry green eyes. I step back into Chase, ready to make my exit when one final thought hits me.

"Also," I say, staring at Aaron heatedly. "If you ever lay your hands on me again, I'll put you behind bars. Real men don't hit women."

I hear Maxine gasp but I don't wait around for their reactions. I take off through the crowd, Chase tailing close behind me as I make myself to the booth.

"Jesus, Hurricane. That was a category five."

When I reach the booth, I put my hands on the edge of the table, breathing heavily.

"Fuckā€¦" I breathe out.

Beau and Jax look at me wildly, concern on their faces.

"What happened?" Jax asks, when no one says anything.

Chase shoves a thumb over his shoulder in the direction we just came from. "Anal pimple and ex-best friend. Addison just gave them a mouthful. You'd be proud. It was fucking epic."

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I murmur, giving Chase the side eye.

Beau stands up, looking behind us to try and spot them. Chase follows, shaking his head. "They're gone. She ripped them a new one. They were about to have a threesome on the dance floor and Addison annihilated them."

"Here, sit down," Jax says, moving so I can slide into the booth in the middle of him and Beau.

I sit down, snatching my drink and downing the contents. "I have no idea what came over me. It just came out like word vomit."

Chase slides into the chair on the other side of us, leaning his arm along the top of it. "Honestly, they deserved it. That was amazing. I'm so proud of you."

I give him a small smile, my stomach clenching at his words. Jax stands up, pointing towards the bar. "I think this calls for another round of drinks."