Page 128 of Beautiful Chaos

“So buy her a shitty Honda Civic to learn in!”

I would bet real money Rachel doesn’t even know what a Civic is. Ian must come to the same conclusion as he takes in her expression. “You know what? Nevermind.” He shakes his head, pointing a finger at Rachel. “You will not be buying the twins their first cars.”

She flips him off. “I can spoil my nephews however I want.”

Jade stops the impending argument by putting her hands in the air between them. “Simmer down. The twins are five. We have some time to fight about who gets to buy their first cars.”

Ian grumbles but slouches back in his seat. I lean over to Ryder. “This is why she’s spoiled,” I faux whisper. “Ian can’t say no to her.”

We all lose it and begin to laugh. Ian pulls Jade into his lap and whispers something in her ear, making her face heat. I can only imagine what he just threatened her with. Luca gets up from his seat and moves over to me, wrapping a possessive arm around my waist.

“Ready to dance after so long?”

I stretch my arms over my head. “More than ready,” I admit. In the whirlwind of everything else, I wasn’t good at keeping up my dance practice. The last few weeks have really proven that as I worked to get back into good enough form to perform again. It’s reminded me of how soothing dance is for me. The music that pulses in my veins, the way my body instinctively responds and I can just let go. Be free in those moments where I give up control and just move.

“Surprise song?” His dark eyes glint mischievously at me. He knows I would never turn down a surprise song. Our favorite game feels like it’s from a million years ago. A different lifetime. With different people. But it was us. Just like it’s always been.

“I’m excited to see what it is.”

He winks in response. “I’m ready when you are.”

Okay then. I guess we can do this now then. No time quite like the present. I climb onto the corner of the bar directly next to our private section. Luca moves behind the bar and all of a sudden all the lights in the club go out.

The noise cuts out like someone pulled a plug. Not even the sound of breathing can be heard as the entire club collectively holds their breath. Not in fear or panic, but in anticipation. I move carefully to the center of the bar, not moving out onto the catwalk quite yet. I want to see what song he’s chosen first.

The first bars sound and oh boy am I fucking glad he hasn’t hit the lights yet. Wouldn’t want him to see my smile and give away my plan too soon. UPSAHL’sGood Girl Erabegins to play over the club as blue and white lights flash on, catching me in the spotlight. I wink at the crowd and move my hips to the beat of the song.

I pivot on my heel and change directions, pulling Dare up onto the bar with me. She kicks a glass and we dance our way to the center of the catwalk. We move together, my hips pressed to her ass as we move to the song. Her hands find my hair, and my tongue finds her neck, making the crowd go wild.

Luca got one thing right. My good girl era was never going to last and it’s time to stir up some shit.

Steel Roses has always been just the first step to bigger things.

Epilogue Two Luca

Six monthslater

Another Friday night at the fights. I swirl my whiskey in my glass before taking a slow sip as my eyes travel over the crowd below. The fights have grown larger over the last year and even more so in the last few months. Our own fighters becoming a force to be reckoned with as more of our time and energy are poured into this place.

Scar, acting as a trainer, has whipped a lot of the fighters into even better shape, and has brought on an onslaught of new recruits dying to receive one of our elusive cards. We’ve had to become even more selective with who we hand them out to, and it was already highly competitive.

These fights have once again become the center of underground activity, not only for St Graves, but for most of California.

I recognize a lot of the fighters warming up below. The girl everyone seems to love is here again tonight. Joe leans against a wall and talks to her as she wraps her hands. The way he looks at her is all too familiar. It’s the way he looks at Scar. The way Scar looked at Roe and Jade and then Rachel. And of course Charles.

Can’t ever forget Charles.

I smirk as I watch Joe throw his head back in a laugh. The little blonde has grit. I’ll give her that. Even from our brief encounters, I know that much to be true. It’s a good thing too. She’ll need a hell of a lot more than just grit and good humor if Joe and Scar are adopting her the way I think they are.

A dark figure moves into my peripheral vision, but I don’t move to acknowledge them until they pull out a seat at my table. Not many have the balls to pull a move like that here. Even fewer could do it and live. Of course, I happen to be looking at one of the few who has the right to behave in such a way.

“It’s good to see you, Luca,” he says and I gesture for one of our girls to bring another glass. Silva’s quick to rush over and pour him his own glass of whiskey. She’s one of the girls that Scar trained and is thinking about making the switch to Steel Roses. I’ll have to tell Scar she’d be a good fit.

“Matteo,” I greet as Silva nods to me and retreats. “To what do I owe the pleasure of hosting the Alvarado heir all the way over here in St Graves?”

His eyes are as dark as my own, but his smile more closely resembles Ryder’s. I’ve heard he’s about as unhinged as Ryder has become as well. I guess growing up in a world like ours will do that to you. At least he doesn’t eye Silva or any of our other girls as they walk by. He knows better than to disrespect one of ours like that. Doesn’t mean powerful men don’t enjoy toeing the line.

“My father wanted to send his thanks,” he answers, picking up the glass Silva left behind. I hold my own and lift it slightly in a silent cheers before taking a long swallow. The amber liquid burns my throat all the way down to my stomach, warming me from the inside out. A pleasant heat settles over my skin.