Page 129 of Beautiful Chaos

“Another flawless deal has gone through with Ms. Caruso,” he explains. “We never would have found such a talent without your intel.”

I shrug, but I’m pleased with how much the Alvarados have taken to Rachel. It’s been a mutually beneficial arrangement to both of them. The new project has provided Rachel with ample distractions as she expands her empire into new markets. It’s given her a purpose and has rekindled her drive and ambition, even if not her passion. Eventually, she will find a way to open her caged-off heart again. But no one could expect more from her than what she’s already giving.

“She should be here soon,” I inform him instead of responding to his gratitude. Intel is why we are here. It’s what we do. It’s not only expected to yield results, it’s guaranteed.

Matteo takes a slow slip as his eyes trail over the fighters and the growing crowd below. “Is she coming with Scar?”

I shake my head. Scar is on another run tonight. “She should be here with Ryder.” Kade is acting as Scar’s backup tonight. It should be a relatively easy in-and-out run. Just cleaning up a mess, actually, for the Alvarados.

My eyes narrow as I study Matteo once more. “Why are you fishing?” I demand.

He immediately puts his hands up defensively, but doesn’t deny it. “You know my father has always liked you. He’s just curious if you have any other aces hidden up your sleeve you're willing to share.”

Leave it to the Alvarados to always be willing to push the fucking line. “Scar is on a run for your father and you damn well know it.” I drain the rest of my whiskey. The Alvarados are an important ally, but fuck they’re exhausting to deal with.

Matteo rolls his eyes. He’s even worse than his father. At least Marcos is always straightforward. He doesn’t play mind games or tricks to get what he wants. He just demands it. Something I can respect. Even relate to. “Don’t be like that,” he whines. “You have so many interesting things happening on the West Coast now. How can we not be curious?”

I level him with a dark glare. “Is there a job you need done or are you just wasting my time?”

He huffs as he sits back in his seat, crossing his arms over his chest. The position is in direct contrast to the tailored suit he wears. He looks all too childish compared to the intimidating man that walked up to this table. I can only imagine what Marcos would say if he saw his heir pouting like a petulant child.

“I thought we were friends.”

It’s my turn to roll my eyes. “We have never been friends, Matteo.”

“You gave us Rachel, who is your family.” He says this like it should explain his attitude and demeanor towards me tonight. It doesn’t.

“I did not give you Rachel,” I argue. “Rachel has never been mine to give to anyone. I simply made you aware of her existence and capabilities.”

He nods along with my words, straightening his tie as he sits back up in a proper position. “Sounds like something you would do for a friend.”

I smirk. “I did.” He grins, thinking I’m finally agreeing with him. “Rachel is my friend. I did it to help her grow.”

He huffs and I point at him. “For the Alvarados, it was an act of good faith. Romano was a dead man walking and your father was kind in my early days of growing. We were creating a hole in your business, so I offered a plug that benefitted my friend as well. I never expected you all to show up to the funeral or make a production of everything.”

Matteo places a hand to his chest. “Alec was a friend.”

I give him a droll look. “Your definition of friendship is quite loose. Friends don’t only meet for business.”

He waves me off. “Fine. I knew of Alec. Father thought it was a good first step in showing our support of the Bleeding Roses.” He says the name with as much amusement as we still often feel over the moniker. “You’ve grown enough to force even the Alvarados to be wary of you.”

I don’t bother to respond to that. It may be true, but we must also be wary of them. It’s what makes friendship almost impossible between us. Rachel and her growing empire is a bridge that connects us, making our allyship stronger, but mutual benefits do not guarantee loyalty.

He finally drops the act and drains the rest of his own glass, giving me a genuine smile now. “You’re really not going to give me any new insights on people to take under our wing?”

I arch a brow at him. “Are you going to pay me?”

He flips me off but before he can respond, I spot Rachel and Kade making their way to our table.

“Matteo,” Rachel drawls. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here tonight.” Her perfect mask slips into place as soon as she recognizes him. She’s as formidable as ever in her armor of designer labels and signature Louboutins. The familiar click of her heels against the floor is soothing. Even after all these months of her taking the reins of her business back, it never stops being a relief to see her this way.

There was a time when none of us were sure she would find this part of herself again. Working with the Alvarados has solidified her position and brought back the fearsome woman I once knew. Hopefully through time, she will eventually heal her broken heart as well. Enough to smile without the glimmer of grief still in her eyes.

He shrugs as she takes her seat at my side. “Heard the fights have been gaining even more attention recently,” he says in way of explanation.

Hmm. Maybe his father is considering sending some of his own fighters to begin fighting here. Wouldn’t be a bad thing. For either of us.

“We have some excellent new fighters on the books tonight,” Kade explains with a grin.