I have to find my joy somewhere, and this is where I’m choosing to do so.
I haven’t told any of the guys my plan yet. Mostly because I know how much shit they’re all going to give me. Not because it’s dangerous, because they’re going to think it’s funny. It’s not like I can disagree with them, but it’ll work the way I want it to. I can guarantee it.
People eat this type of shit up.
“What are you planning?” Kade asks as he looks at me through narrowed eyes, his shoulder playfully bumping into mine.
I hip bump him back. “You’ll just have to wait and find out.” No way am I giving these assholes more opportunity to make fun of me. It’s the reason I insisted on doing this run even though technically, I don’t have to.
Kade and Ryder are more than equipped enough to handle it on their own. That’s just not how I work. I can’t see that ever changing.
He looks at me playfully but doesn’t push. Instead, he just gestures for me to lead the way. I strut past him, putting a little more sway in my step than necessary. I know he’s looking at my ass.
Kade is always looking at my ass.
I try to get into the right frame of mine to get this run done. Just because we are keeping it simple, doesn’t mean we can’t make it fun.
Fuck Romano.
I want to enjoy this shit again. I chew on my lip as I think of how we can snap out of the funk we are all in.
I lead the way out to the car Mikey dropped off before heading over to Rachel’s. Luca drives with Declan in the front while the rest of us pile in the back. Kade and Ryder shove me in the middle of them, not that I mind.
As soon as we are on our way, it comes to me.
A huge grin spreads across my face. “We should start keeping score.”
Kade’s head snaps towards me, instantly intrigued by the thought of a competition between us.
Declan turns back to give me a look. One brow raised in my direction, he tilts his head. “Score of what?”
I raise my brows back at him in challenge. “We get points for our kills and shit,” I explain.
“Not fair,” Noah says in my ear. I chuckle, I forgot I already had that on. “Some of us aren’t in the field.”
Declan nods his agreement. “Noah and I deserve points for getting all our trackers situated.”
“Point taken,” I concede. I squint my eyes as I stare at him, trying to think. “Points for everything that has to do with what we do?” The words come out broken and kind of slow as I try to figure out a way to phrase it.
Luca scoffs, shaking his head. “That was a lot of words to say we all get points.”
I shrug. It’s not like I have put a whole lot of thought into this. I’m just trying to think of a way to break up what has become so mundane.
“How do we decide points then?” Ryder asks, his interest evident.
I hum in thought. “Two of us have to be in agreement about the number of points for it to count.”
All the guys nod or sound their agreement. Already I’m more excited for today. I can feel the energy swirling low in my belly, building in ferocity. I revel in the feeling of the chaos that lives inside me waking up.
“How are we going to keep track?” Kade asks, rubbing his hands together in his excitement.
“Already got a scoreboard going in the office,” Noah answers.
I whistle. “Five points to Noah for being on top of it.”
The guys chuckle but Declan smiles, winking at me. “Agreed.” And just like that the first points go up on the board.
Oh boy, I can’t wait to see how many points I can wrack up today.