“You’re doingthison purpose, aren’t you?”
“Minus ten points to Luca for a dumb question,” Ryder sing songs at my side as I drop the guard’s lifeless body at my feet. Now why would a normal district attorney need a bodyguard? Easy, there’s nothing normal about Ryans. That’s the whole reason why we are here after all.
“Seconded,” I agree. Luca scoffs and starts murmuring his complaints, but I tune him out. “I should get at least ten points for that. I was the fastest,” I point out. Both Ry and Kade had lunged for the guard as he came around the corner, but I already had him in my sights and was on him before either one of them could even make a move.
Kade rolls his eyes as he picks the lock to the front door. It’s surprisingly easy to break into his house. His security system posed no trouble for Noah to bypass. He’s actually had to have more of his focus set on Rachel’s run as they’ve had more obstacles to overcome. Our run has been rather straightforward. Almost easy.
Because of that, Noah is racking up points and we are all being left in the dust. To no one but Noah’s amusement.
“Five,” Kade counters. “The kill was too easy.”
“Agreed,” Ry calls and I huff as Kade argues that he also deserves five points for the lock.
I scoff in disbelief. “You could do that in your sleep,” I point out.
“This game is going to get old fast if you children keep claiming points for every small thing,” Declan criticizes. I’m usually the first to call him and Luca party poopers, but it just so happens that I agree with him in this instance. No one backs up Kade’s claim or responds to Declan and we all fall silent as we move into the house. I think it’s safe to assume we all agree with what Declan said, because not another word is spoken on the matter. All three of us drop the game as we focus back on what we are here for. This run may be easy, but there’s no reason to go and make it complicated by giving ourselves away.
Based on the time of day, Ryans should be in his office. It isn’t late enough that he should be in his room yet, but well past the time he normally eats. All other staff in the house should be gone for the day. He should be alone.
I trade looks with the guys as I ease my way down the hall, pausing at any door opening to listen for any sound before moving past it. Kade and Ryder both move as silently as I do just a few steps behind me.
We’ve thoroughly discussed the plans for today. I know we are all on the same page when it comes to how we need to end this. Quick, silent, and with a message. It’s about more than just cutting off one of Romano’s avenues of covering his tracks in town, it’s about making it harder for him to find anyone to work with. People need to fear us enough to deny him. Make it impossible for him to keep making moves against us.
If we can get the district attorney, and the mayor next, who is safe? The answer is no one. I don’t care where Romano runs, or who he hides behind. I will get my revenge and he will be the person who leads me to it.
I pause again before I pass another doorway that I know leads to the bedrooms on this floor based on the blueprints I was able to get my hands on. I hold my breath as a loud bang sounds from the end of the hall where his office is located. Muffled curses sound immediately after, but nothing I’m able to make out. Got him.
I nod to the guys as we continue our silent trek, moving faster but just as silently. I hardly hesitate outside of the door when we find it closed. Only long enough to confirm he’s in the room alone. His sigh reaches my ears as he hangs up the call he was on. Whatever was said to him has left him in an atrocious mood.
For some reason, I can’t shake the feeling that it was Romano on the other line calling in another favor. I guess we will never know. I move fast, not bothering to hesitate or even communicate my intentions to the other two. I know they will have my back regardless of what the next few moments will bring.
Before Ryans has a chance to even turn around and find out who just burst into his office, my knife is dragging across his neck. Blood spurts in long arcs and splatters across the room. My lips tug up into a grin as his body goes slack in my arms. Even if killing has become more of a nuisance than anything, I don’t think blood fountains will ever get old.
I keep him up in my arms until the blood slows to a trickle down his neck. I grin to myself as I analyze the blood splatter. There’s more than enough to work with. I drop him at my feet and spin around the room, trying to decide where the perfect spot is.
“Well, that’s one way to send a message,” Ryder murmurs.
I turn to him, my Cheshire grin in place. “Does it?” I ask. “I think we could use a little more flair.”
“Flair?” Kade immediately questions, looking at me with suspicion.
I widen my eyes innocently, knowing he won’t buy it for a second, but it makes him smile. He tries to fight it, but he can’t hide his amusement.
I make my way to the wall to the left of us, dragging Ryans behind me. It has blood splatter but only a small amount. The perfect emphasis on the message I want to leave without taking away from it.
I pull out a glove from my pocket and slip it over my hand before I get to work. Ryder and Kade stand behind me on either side watching with intrigue. Before I even finish the second word, Kade snorts.
I shrug. “A clear message for everyone to pick their sides and to let everyone know that Ryans chose wrong.”
He shakes his head as I continue to write my message, collecting blood from Ryans’ neck as I go.
“Guess this is what it’s like to come out from the shadows,” he muses. I don’t say anything back. I have nothing to say. I had never really intended for a war to break out. When I imagined my revenge, I always thought I would be sneaking in and out of their bedrooms, slitting their throats in their sleep. Little fanfare.
It’s the whole reason I focused so much of my training on being the best at getting in and out of anywhere. Learning everything I needed to know to accomplish that and cover my tracks.
Life rarely ever goes the way we plan. I should have known that this would become much bigger than a simple revenge plot. There were too many big players for it to ever turn out any other way.