Page 26 of Remember Home

“And a Twinkie?”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he grinned, winking at her and their shared love of the vanilla sponge cake that reminded them both of how they met and their first date. “Twinkies are our thing, darling – always.”

* * *

“Ma! You look great!” John said warmly, hugging his mother as she appeared from the doorway near baggage claim. “How was your flight?”

“It was wonderful. You look wonderful – being married suits you better than being a stodgy drill sergeant halfway across the world where I can’t see my precious boy.”

“I’m not a boy, nor was I a drill sergeant, Ma,” he chuckled, hugging her again, “And you know what a hard decision it was to take the next step in my life. I loved that part of my life – but I happen to love my wife so much more. She’s my everything.”

“Speaking of? Where is she?”

John felt a pang of loneliness and concern that he couldn’t hide.

“She’s at home. I insisted that she lay down and try to take a nap. Mom, she hasn’t been sleeping well at all and I’m starting to worry about her. If this keeps up, I will drag her to the doctor.”

“Is she losing weight or not eating?”

“No. But it’s like she can’t relax or isn’t sleeping right at all. I’ve been wondering if its stress, or an illness. Lily is exhausted. I’m not a doctor – I’m a cop,” he smiled wryly.

“Well, she’s lucky to have you taking care of her,” his mother said tenderly, patting him on the cheek. A loud buzz indicated that the luggage for the flight was coming down the carousel.

“Hot pink?” John teased, knowing his mother. Growing up as a boy, his mother always had hot pink everything. Shoes, purses, hats, and he’d gifted her a pink cosmetic bag that he’d found online for her.

“You know it – and it’s bedazzled now. I found the neatest little tool that puts sparklies all over things. Oh! There are my pretty things now!”

John looked over to see the bright, neon pink suitcase sliding down the matte black belt towards the silver carousel. It was brilliantly gaudy and utterly precious – just like her. His mother liked sparkly things and Lily had found the perfect purse for her Christmas present. They’d tucked several scratch tickets inside the glittery wallet as a surprise.

He loved the unexpected.

John had hidden a little something inside of another gift for a friend – and had done the same thing for Lily’s present. He got her the pressure cooker she’d mentioned a few months ago, but what she didn’t realize was that he’d stuffed it full of a variety of items. Twinkie earrings, a pair of bright yellow socks, a pajama with different Hostess snacks all over it, and another copy of her favorite book.

The paperback book’s pages were falling out of the well-worn novel and he’d immediately bought her another copy of it. John poured out his heart on the inscription because being married to her gave him his own‘Kingdom ofDreams’– and it was scaring him that something was seriously wrong.

She was his life.

Their love was a miracle.

A chance meeting had to be more than just a coincidence or happenstance. John believed in faith, destiny, fate, divine guidance – whatever you wanted to call it. He’d received her letter long ago in that Afghanistan desert because he was ready to love and it was the right time in his life to meet her. There was no one more perfect than his Lily.

“Let’s head home,” John said eagerly, thinking of Lily and wanting to check on her. “She’ll be so happy to see you and glad you’ve come to celebrate the Season with us, Ma.”

* * *

Christmas Eve had the small family attending mass together and Lily awoke early to start breakfast the next morning. She couldn’t sleep again and knew that John would worry. She didn’t have the heart to wake him since he was sleeping so soundly. Walking into the kitchen, she heard the coffeemaker percolating and startled to see his mother standing there in her robe and slippers.

“Good morning, Lily, how are you feeling?”

“You guessed?”

“It’s pretty easy to do so once you’ve had a child of your own,” she said lovingly, her eyes watering with unshed tears as she lowered her voice conspiringly. “I never thought I would ever be a grandma. When are you going to tell him? He’s terribly worried about you.”

“Today,” Lily admitted and heard Radar scampering down the hallway. She always slept on the rug at the foot of their bed ever since they’d married. The intelligent animal had taken to Lily ever since she’d that fateful day. John and Radar had stopped an armed robbery, saving her, and now was extremely protective of both of them – not just John.

“Shhh…” his mother crooned with a soft smile, glancing over Lily’s shoulder.

Lily turned to see John as he walked out of the hallway, completely disheveled and rubbing his hand through his shaggy hair. Her heart beat wildly in her chest, nearly bursting with love for this endearing man.