Page 25 of Remember Home

“I don’t peek and you know it, stinker.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“John! You know I haven’t peeked once.”

“Then how do you know I’m wrapping your gift?”

“Is that box for Radar then?”

The large German Shepherd’s ears perked up from where she lay on the couch lazily. For a K-9 dog that was such a fierce protector, she had a lazy side of her that resembled her owners. John loved to lounge around on the couch and watch movies with her during their downtime together. Radar’s tail began to thump happily as she let out a loud ‘whuff’of approval of the direction the conversation is heading.

“No. Radar is getting a new K-O-N-G toy to C-H-E-W on,” John said mysteriously, holding his finger over his smiling lips. Lily grinned and smothered a laugh.

“You know she can’t S-P-E-L-L… nor can she understand what you are saying.”

“Sweetheart, we both know better. Radar understands everything, don’t you sweet girl?”

“Ha! She’s sweet on you – but not the bad guys. She’s downright scary in action, remember at the mall last year,” Lily said with a shiver. “Radar is terrifying in action.”

“Shhh – you’ll hurt her tender feelings,” John said mockingly as Radar perked up again looking at them both.

“I might be a little jealous of how sweet you are to the dog, John.”

“Nothing compares to you, honey. You are the sweetest thing ever.”

* * *

Lily had been carefully trying to avoid letting John find any clues whatsoever – and truthfully, she had to pat herself on the back for her sheer ingenious idea. She’d used Cara and Mike’s budding romance as an excuse to keep John distracted.

The two had fallen madly in love and planned on getting married tomorrow. Accompanying Mike to the furniture store had been the perfect opportunity to place her own order - which was being delivered tomorrow. Lily had given out another friend’s phone number as the point of contact. Ava had been thrilled to be included in on the secret, letting Lily know that the delivery was scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.

Everything was unfolding perfectly as if designed months ago in advance and coordinated instead of being thrown together. John’s mother was flying in for the holiday and he was supposed to pick her up at the airport. As if on cue, John stepped over and leaned over her shoulder, kissing her on the neck.

“You are truly breathtaking, you know that?”

“You’re so good to me,” she said, smiling and closing her eyes as she arched her neck to give him better access to continue the path his lips were warming on along her throat. “Did you finish wrapping your presents, love?”

“I was done with them yesterday,” he breathed softly against the shell of her ear, chuckling. “That’s was an empty box.”

“No, it’s not,” Lily protested, glancing back at the scattered bows, paper scraps, and scrawled name tags that rested where he’d been working not moments before.

“Okay – no it’s not,” he agreed quickly, grinning.


“Lily!” he mocked, teasing her.

“You’ve been playing around down there for hours on end, rustling papers, and sighing like a pouting child. How isthatan empty box?”

“Because I knew you wouldn’t get your lesson plans done unless I gave you an excuse to work on them. You were talking in your sleep last night again, honey. I know you are worried about them and I can’t bear the rings under your eyes. You need to take care of yourself, sweetheart. You’re always doing too much for everyone else,” he said, concerned, his hand caressing her cheek.

Tears sprang to her eyes as he knelt down in front of her, pulling her knuckles to his lips and kissing them tenderly.

“I’m serious. I know you haven’t been sleeping well and you keep getting up during the night. I’m worrying that maybe something is wrong.”

“I’m fine and you are right. It’s the stress of the holidays and work getting to me.”

“How about once we get things unloaded at Cara and Mike’s – we come home and I’ll make you some hot cocoa and rub your feet?” he offered. Lily almost groaned aloud in delight at the idea of chocolate and a massage.