Page 27 of Remember Home

Meeting him had been such a miracle and to think a part of him was growing inside of her now - was almost more than she could bear. She knew he wanted a family, and they’d talked about it several times, but nothing ever became of it. His words and faith humbled her when he’d soothed her doubts, thinking something was wrong with her almost a year ago.

“Lily, when it’s time – we’ll be ready. If we never have a child, I will still feel blessed knowing each day I get to spend it with you.”

She’d never seen such ultimate love and devotion from someone before and the sheer amount that he gave was staggering. John loved with his whole being. When he cared for someone - nothing would stop him. He was a fiercely protective, loyal, and loving…and would be an incredible papa, she thought to herself.

“Merry Christmas, sleepyhead,” she said tenderly.

“Both of you are up already?”

“Of course, it’s Christmas,” his mother bantered, “do you want a cup of coffee, Corporal Grumpy?”

“It’sOfficerGrumpy and yes,” he yawned loudly, stretching his arm up towards the ceiling, giving Lily a lazy smile. She knew he’d caught her glimpsing his taut abdomen that had gained a tiny, adorable pooch from all the sweets he indulged in now that he was out of the military. Her husband was so handsome and she knew he would always be in her eyes.

“Why don’t you two go ahead and exchange gifts while I make us some breakfast. It’s sometimes nice to have a moment alone - even when you have company.”

“Mom, you arefamily– not company.”

“John, let me treat you both for once – now, go take care of your wife and I’ll bring the coffee in a bit. Lily, drag his stubborn hide out of the kitchen,” his mother ordered, grinning. Taking his hand, she let him into the living room.

“Are you okay?” John asked the moment they were out of sight of the kitchen, his loving face concerned as his hand brushed back her hair from her face. “I’m really starting to worry. I know you got up three times last night at the very minimum.”

“John, I’m fine – I just needed to go to the restroom,” Lily admitted, blushing with embarrassment and smiling. “Why don’t you come open your gift and relax a bit.”

“Are you sure you’re alright?”

“I’m positive.”

Lily laced her fingers with his and pulled him away from the Christmas tree in the living room and into the hallway. His face lit with a playful, teasing smile as his eyes darkened with desire. “Honey, are we heading back to bed?”

“No, we are going to your present.”

“So, we are returning to our room?”

Lily burst out laughing at the way he wagged his eyebrows playfully at her. Instead, she tugged him towards the empty bedroom across the hallway and saw his smile fall.

“What’s going on?”

“There’s a hint at your gift hidden inside,” she whispered softly. The doorknob turned under her fingertips as she stepped inside. The sun was just beginning to stream through the mini blinds of the tiny empty bedroom revealing a tiny box in the center of the room.

“I need you to open this first before I show you the other one.”

Lily picked up the box and handed it to John. She was trying to keep her hands from shaking. She would be an emotional mess once he saw what was inside. John’s face watched hers as she smiled happily, clasping her hands together in front of her chest. He pulled the paper off the gift and removed the lid. Peeling away the tissue paper, she saw him stop immediately.

Their sonogram photo lay there against the white tissue paper.

John’s eyes shot up to hers as he stood there in utter shock and disbelief. His mouth worked several times, and he immediately sat down in the middle of the floor limply, like his legs wouldn’t hold him anymore. Lily knelt down, sitting on her knees beside him.

“Are you happy?”

“Is that our blueberry?” he gaped, pointing at the circle on the photo.

“I was thinking more of a little, precious jellybean… but yes. He - or she -can be your littleblueberry,” Lily whispered tenderly, as hot tears that had blurred her eyes now spilled over her cheeks. “I’m about seven weeks pregnant and that’s why I’m not sleeping. It’s hormones, John. I’m perfectly healthy according to the doctor.”

“I thought pregnant women threw up a lot and tired all the time?”

“I’mbeyondtired,” she admitted, laughing throatily. “I just have to pee more than any other creature on earth lately.”

“Does that go away?”