Page 19 of The Wild Fire

Mason glares at that hand like he wants to set it ablaze through telepathy. “Good for me?! Dude, I’m unemployed now.” He goes back to pacing the floor. “Self-respect won’t pay my mortgage. And my student loans. Plus I actually like being a doctor. Or maybe I should say ‘liked’. Maybe I should be speaking in the past tense. Because this is Honey Hill. There’s only one medical clinic in town. My medical career is practically over.” He shoves the rest of his muffin into his face.

“You could go into business for yourself,” Cash suggests. “Open up your own practice.”

“With what money?” Mason’s eyebrows shoot up. “Mortgage. Student loans. Remember?”

I plant a firm hand on his shoulder and he stops pacing again. “Look—you’re obviously freaking out right now and there’s not much we can say to calm you down. So let’s just go to the wedding, have a good time, and figure things out when we get back.”

Mason blows out a slow breath. Then he bobs his head. “Yeah. You’re right. You’re right.”

Cash glances up out the window at the clouds gathering in the sky. “I’d better get a move on, guys. Need to get out of town before the rain really starts coming down.”

“Yeah. See you there,” Harry calls after him.

“Drive safe, man,” Jasper says.

Cash nods. “And don’t. Be. Late.” He emphasizes each word. “I don’t want any of you getting stranded because of the storm.”

Damn. I was nervous before my own wedding but this guy is really taking it up to the max.

Shaking my head, I stroll over to where he’s standing. “Jesus, groomzilla. It’s just a little rain. Stop worrying. Get the hell out of here.” I push him out the door. “Everything is great. Everything will be fine.”

Famous last words.



Icarefully tap my brakes again. The wind is blowing so hard I’m afraid it’ll push my SUV right off the road.

Just as predicted, the storm is in full force the day that I’m traveling to Crescent Harbor. I thought I’d left early enough to beat the worst of the rain. It looks like I was wrong.

I’m extra stressed about it. Because when it’s your bestie’s wedding, there are zero excuses for being late.

Cash and Meghan’s ceremony is being held at the Kingston family’s quaint picturesque guesthouse in Crescent Harbor, Illinois. Cash has done business with Cannon Kingston and Meghan fell in love with their quiet country inn from the first time that they visited. On top of that, Meghan bought her wedding gown from Renewed Gowns, the bridal shop owned by Cannon’s wife, Alexia.

It’s not the typical wedding venue for a billionaire marrying the love of his life. Yet somehow, it feels like the perfect destination for this couple’s wedding.

And it will be, if this rain lets up.

My nerves have me white-knuckling the steering wheel the whole way. I’ve never been crazy about driving in bad weather. I’m beyond relieved that I got my windshield wipers replaced in time, but I really could use a breather.

Close to an hour into the trip, I pull into a gas station. I top off my gas tank, use the restroom, and stock up on road trip snacks. I mean, if there’s ever a time for nervous eating, this seems like the right occasion.

Feeling a bit less wound up and ready to get back on the road, I go to pay for my spoils.

At the cash register, I distractedly hand the cashier my debit card and glance down at the new notifications on my phone. I see a text message from my 22-year-old sister, Stacey.

My body automatically flips into ‘damage control’ mode. My fingers shake and a flash of tingles rips up my spine.

I open the message only to find…a picture of the world’s most adorable six-year-old on my screen. I release a sigh of relief.

Guilt over my instinctual fight-or-flight reaction sweeps in. Like it or not, my nervous system is programmed to panic at the slightest reminder of my hot mess of a family.

Stacey: Look who’s riding without training wheels!!

In the attached photo, my nephew, Louis, is on the big boy bike I bought him last month for his birthday. He’s grinning up at the camera from under his Paw Patrol helmet, showing off his bare gums and missing teeth. A small smile spreads across my lips.

It might be a simple thing, but considering the upbringing my siblings and I had, I want so desperately for my nephew to have a normal childhood. The simple things are important.