Page 20 of The Wild Fire

I type out a reply to my sister, adding a variety of heart emojis.

Me: He’s the cutest. I’m so proud of him

There’s a sharp tug in my chest and I feel the backs of my eyes prickle.It was worth it,I tell myself like I always do whenever Louis crosses my mind.All of it was worth it.

A shrill beep from the payment machine pierces the air, bringing me back to the moment.

My head snaps up.Shit.

“Ma’am, your card was declined.” The clerk slides my card across the counter and goes back to scrolling on her phone.

“Uh, sorry.” I smile awkwardly. I slip my phone into my pocket and offer the cashier a credit card.

Only the second card doesn’t work, either.

This time, I’m more annoyed than embarrassed. Thankfully, I have some cash on hand. Not wanting to play Russian roulette with my bank cards today, I hand over a fifty-dollar bill. I’m in a hurry to get back on the road before the storm gets even worse.

But seriously, what the hell is up with my debit cards? I should have checked into this before the trip, but I didn’t have a chance to call my bank, so I’ll just have to make do with the cash I have.

I get back on the road, gnawing on Twizzlers as I focus on driving. At some point, I get a call from Meghan, and I connect it to my car’s bluetooth to avoid distractions.

Emma and Ziggy are with her on speakerphone, and I can hear Jasper’s one-and-a-half-year-old daughter, Sparkle, in the background, too. The girls are already in Crescent Harbor. Right now, they’re at Renewed Gowns, trying on their dresses and accessories, and making sure all the details are just right.

“I can’t believe this is happening…” Meghan says. I know she’s trying to keep it together but I can hear the shake in her voice.

I try to be encouraging. “Grammy Westbrook says that rain on your wedding day is supposed to bring your marriage good luck.”

Hell—maybe that’s what my own wedding day was missing.

“I told her that a million times,” Emma says.

“It’s a good omen,” Ziggy adds sagely. “I promise you, Megs.”

It’s been just a few days since the bachelorette party, but the girls all went to the guesthouse early to help Meghan and her mother prepare for the big day.

A surge of remorse moves up my chest. I should be there with my best friend, reassuring her and keeping her calm. But I needed to stay back the extra day to keep my vet practice running a bit longer. I had a hard enough time finding someone to cover all of my appointments and shutting things down for a whole week just wasn’t feasible.

But still, even with so much to do back home, I feel guilty. I’m the maid of honor, so I should be there helping Meghan every step of the way. I know she understands, but it’s still a hard pill to swallow. I wish I could do it all.

“This weekend’s going to be so fun,” I hear Emma over their background music. I imagine she’s spinning around the room, holding Sparkle as they dance. That baby girl has definitely taken after her father’s love of music. And Emma’s really stepped into this mother role. She’s so freaking good at it.

“Oh, you’re going to look so beautiful, Megs,” Ziggy gushes.

“I am, aren’t I?” Meghan laughs somberly. “Andyouguys are going to look gorgeous walking down the aisle with those hunky groomsmen, yourselves.”

“Let’s just hope Davis doesn’t try and trip me,” I mutter into the speakerphone, halfway hoping no one hears.

Meghan’s exaggerated sigh tells me she heard just fine.

“Geez, girl,” Emma blurts out.

“He doesn’t hate you, y’know,” my best friend assures me, her voice compassionate. “He’s not that kind of guy.”

I know that. My ex-husband is a good man. Honorable. Loyal. Forgiving. The exact reasons why I never deserved him in the first place. He was always worthy of someone better than me.

“Sometimes I wish I could toss you and Davis into one of those little dingy boats in the middle of the ocean and force you two to talk to each other. Toreally,frickin’talk.”

I snort. “Good thing you decided against the island wedding plans. I don’t think me and Davis will be near any oceans anytime soon.”