She moved to my wardrobe and pulled out a shirt. “Stop moping. You need to get outside and get some sunshine and some fresh air.”

“I don’t like sunshine or fresh air.”

She sighed. “You’re miserable. We all get it. You’re wallowing. Warthogs wallow, not grown men.”

She plucked a few strawberries from the breakfast trolley. “You’ve got more followers than you’ve ever had on every platform. My agent is texting me all day. The work is pouring in. Whether you like it or not, we’re good for each other, Gabe. Everybody wants us together. This is how this works.”

I turned over in the bed. “Leave me alone, Emma.”

She ripped the duvet off me and clapped her hands in frustration. “Babying you isn’t part of the deal. Get up. We have to do the photos. Your mother said you were going to keep up your end of the bargain.”

She dropped down on the bed and walked her fingers over the duvet with studied disinterest. “I’ve been thinking about the press conference for when you announce the news that you’re taking over Calverdale United. I should be there. Maybe you could even mention me in your statement. Something about what a support I’ve been … I could write something if you like …”

“Why are you still talking?” A pulse beat at my temple. I pulled the duvet back. “I’ve got a headache.”

She cupped my face, running her hands over my stubble. “You need to shave.” She wrinkled her nose. “And shower.”

I shrugged out of her grip. “Save it for later. There are no cameras here. Touching is not part of the deal.”

She pouted and looked up at me from beneath long lashes. Slowly, she walked her fingers up my arm again. “But it could be? Couldn’t it?”

My skin prickled under her touch. “You cheated on me.”

“I made a mistake. I’ve apologized. I thought maybe, with enough time, we could work things out between us? That day was awful for me, too. For a long time I blamed myself for what happened with Micky … but we can’t live with guilt. Life’s too short. Can’t you find it in your heart to forgive me, Gabe? We’re good together. Anyone can see that.”

I pulled the duvet up to my chin. “You don’t care about me, Emma. You never did. You like the idea of us. You and my dad were made for each other. He was only capable of loving himself, too.”

She pressed her lips together. “You and I make sense, Gabe. We just fit. You can’t tell me you don’t recognize that?”

I sat up and looked her in the eyes. “Do you love me, Emma?”

She smoothed her hand over her auburn waves. Her eyes slipped away. “Yes.”

“I don’t believe you.”

She gave an affronted laugh. “What can I do to prove it?”

Emma moved to the wardrobe and pulled out a suit jacket for me. “You might not be on board with us yet, Gabe, but give it time. I’m going to win you back. You’re going to have everything you wanted. The best football team in the country and a woman who loves you on your arm.”

I’d had a woman that loved me and I loved her. I wanted to be with her, even if it was just watching her on the pitch because she was so spectacular that I didn’t want to be anywhere else but in her orbit. Miri didn’t care for my status. She didn’t crave the cameras. She didn’t care about my money.

Ever since I’d walked away from her, a horrible ache had taken root in my chest. I missed her. Miri had accepted me. Her family had accepted me. I thought I’d wanted the men’s team. How was it possible to get everything you wanted and feel the worst you’d ever felt? The price had been too high. I’d lost Miri. I was supposed to be happy now, but I couldn’t muster a smile.

“Do you want children with me? A family?”

Emma wrinkled her nose and gave a tinkling laugh. “Children?” Then her face stilled. “Oh? You’re serious. Yes. Well. Maybe not quite yet, but one day …”

Miri put her family above everything. She’d make a wonderful mother. I’d always put kids off as something for the future, but with Miri I could see it. I wanted to watch her belly swell with my child. I wanted to be part of a family.

I sighed. “I can’t do this with you, Emma. You can’t want this either.”

She frowned. “What?”

“This is a lie.”

“It’s a lie for now, but it could be real.”

“It’s never going to be real. Even if I could get past what you did to me, I’ve moved on.”