I spun, flinging my arms open. My heart thundered. I must have looked crazy, but I didn’t care. When I’d asked Gabe for a chance to explain he’d denied me it. Why should I listen to a word? “What is there to explain? Every day this week there has been a picture in the papers of you with your tongue down someone else’s throat. We had an argument and you ran straight into the arms of your ex-girlfriend. You brought me onto this team with promise after promise and now you’ve ditched us. We have nothing left to say to each other.”

“An argument? You lied to me, Miri. You made me look a fool.” He pressed his lips flat and shook his head. “Anyway, I don’t care about Emma. Not the way I care about you. It’s not real. I miss you.” His compelling eyes met mine, his voice as soft as a caress. “I wish … that everything could go back to how it was before.”

A knife twisted in my heart. I swiped at my cheeks with trembling fingers. So much for saving my tears for the showers. Things couldn’t go back to how they were before. Not now.

I stiffened my spine. “If you’re not the director of this team anymore, I can’t see a reason for us to have further interaction. This is a professional relationship.”

A shadow crossed his face. I hardened my heart and headed for the changing room. For the first time in his spoiled, pampered life, Gabe Rivers wouldn’t be getting what he wanted. Tears fell down my cheeks. I wiped them away and ran.

Chapter 40


Isatonabench in the park near Calverdale Stadium. A group of teenagers had made a makeshift BBQ on the grass and the smoky scent of hot dogs and burgers made my stomach growl. The private investigator dropped down on the bench next to me.

“Mr. Rivers.” She gave me a tight smile and handed me a file.

I took a deep breath. “I’m not going to like this, am I?”

She smoothed her dark bun but made no reply.

The first section of the report covered Jerry’s misdemeanors and the list of women willing to give testimony about his behavior. Plenty of damning evidence to secure prosecution. Miri would be pleased with that. I’d managed to disappoint her in every other way, but at least I could keep my promise about holding Jerry to account.

I flicked to the next page and my mouth went dry. None of this was about Jerry. It was about my mother. The more I read, the more my stomach dropped. She’d been up to no good with the pension funds. There was enough incriminating evidence here to lock her up for a long time.

I flashed a glance at the investigator. Somehow I kept my voice level despite my rising panic. “Who else knows about this?”

She kept her gaze fixed ahead. “No one.”

“I can sort it out. I can fix this and make sure nobody further down the chain is affected.”

The chirrups of the birds and chatter from the park filled my ears.


She inclined her head to me. “What about Jerry Reynolds?”

“I told you, I’m just trying to do the right thing here. I have no loyalty to Jerry. After what he’s done, they can lock him up and throw away the key for all I care. I’ll take all of that to the police, you have my word. But my mother is different. She’s had to pick up Dad’s mess. She’s been grieving. If she’s made mistakes, then I will fix them if you give me a chance.”

I filled my lungs. The air smelled as though it was about to rain. A heavy, sour feeling settled in my stomach. This report was damning. Mother had spent a lifetime blackmailing me to get her own way. I could turn this information over to the police, or I could wave this report in her face and she’d be at my command, but then we’d be over. There would be no chance to repair our relationship. Despite the way she’d treated me, I’d always wanted better. Dad was gone. I had a choice whether to build a bridge with my mother or blow it to smithereens.

The investigator cleared her throat and laced her hands neatly in her lap. “As long as Jerry Reynolds is held to account, I don’t see any reason to share the rest of the report. The work I’ve done for you is confidential. You can proceed however you wish with the information. I have no further interest.”

I inclined my head to take in the cherry blossoms that lined the path. The blush-pink petals spiraled in the stiff wind like snow, littering the black puddles. Relief filled me in a warm rush. Maybe if I threw Mother a lifeline with this, we could have better. Even if we couldn’t, at least I could be the better person. I wouldn’t stoop to her level when I could take the higher ground. If Miri were here, that’s what she would tell me to do. Even if she didn’t want me, I could still be a better person.

With trembling fingers, I closed the report. “Thank you.”

The investigator nodded. “Good luck, Mr. Rivers. You have my word, we’ll say no more about it.”

A knock sounded on the door to the penthouse.

“Go away.” I rolled over in bed and put a pillow over my head.

Emma barged in. Her gaze passed over me before she crossed to the window and pulled back the curtains. Sunlight pierced my eyes and I groaned.

“Come on. Get up. We’re going for lunch at a delightful little spot by the river. Very photogenic. My publicist arranged it.”

“I don’t feel like it.”