Mother continued casually, “She’s had those ghastly movies. Emma is becoming a nobody. You can go to the Daily News and give them an exclusive about your reunion. It’s the only story big enough to cover this up.”

“I won’t do it.”

Mother cocked her head to appraise me. She flashed a cold smile. This is what she’d always wanted. Everything was falling into her lap. “Emma’s family are our oldest friends. You’re perfect together. Be sensible. You know the best way to bury something is distraction. It’s a magic trick. You wave your hand over there so nobody knows what your other hand is doing.”

My neck flashed hot. I could tell her the truth. All I had to do was open my mouth. But Mother would be devastated. I’d be ruining Dad’s memory for her, and also Emma’s. I needed Mother on side to sort out this mess, not weeping over Dad’s betrayal. This wasn’t about me or Emma or my mother. This was about Miri. She had the most to lose if that tape hit the tabloids. I had to stop it.

Whatever the cost.

Mother held the squirming Pomeranian up in her arms and kissed the tip of its nose. “I told you how important this year is to me. Everybody loves how much work you’ve done with the women’s team. I can’t let you embarrass us and throw this all away. I’m not asking you to do this, Gabe. I’m telling you.”

A cold knot formed in my stomach. “If I don’t?”

She spread her hands regretfully. “Then I can’t help you with the tape, and perhaps it’s best I stop helping you at all. If you want to turn your back on this family, then maybe it’s time you go your own way.”

My jaw clenched. Of course, this was more palatable than the truth. Emma had fucked my dad and now told a pack of lies painting me out to be a villain. Now I had to parade around with her like the hero in a new Taylor Swift song.

“There must be another way. Anything else,” I said.

Mother laced her elegant fingers in her lap. “Get back together with Emma and the lawyers bury the tape so it goes away for good. And if you do a good enough job, maybe I’ll throw in a sweetener. You slipped up with this tape, but I can’t deny how well you’ve done with the women’s team. You need to distance yourself from this stripper that plays for you. She needs to go, and you can move on to the men’s team.”

Alarm went through me. “What do you mean she needs to go?”

“She betrayed you, Gabe. You didn’t even know that you were with a stripper. She’s a liar. If she lies about that, what else has she lied about? Aren’t you angry?”

Yes. Of course I was angry, but Miri had earned her spot on the team. She didn’t deserve to get kicked off for this. Blood pounded in my ears. I could hardly focus on Mother’s drone.

“… You do a few photoshoots with Emma. You never know, if you spend some time together, you might rekindle the flame. Play the game, Gabe. The tape goes away. The girl goes away. You get the team. All you have to do is smile for a few photos and you get everything you want. Take control of the narrative. Weave a story that everybody wants to see.”

My stomach hardened. “Thatyouwant to see, you mean?”

A smile stretched Mother’s lips. “That benefits all of us.”

Miri had deceived me. Still, I had to do whatever it took to keep that clip out of the wrong hands. The clip looked worse for Miri than me, and despite everything, I still cared so deeply about her. How the hell was I supposed to switch all these feelings off? I didn’t want her career smeared. All that mattered was getting rid of the tape for Miri’s sake.

A barb of pain speared my heart. “Fine. I’ll do it, but Miri stays with the women’s team. She’s still the best striker we’ve ever had. I’m not letting you punish her over this.”

Mother ran her hands through the Pomeranian’s fluffy fur. “Very well. Do a good job with Emma and I’ll turn a blind eye to the stripper.”

In the limousine, I pressed my nose to the humming glass. Paris flashed by in a blaze of dark city and bright lights. The car pulled up and a suited driver opened the door for me. A light drizzle misted my face as I stepped out onto a moonlit cobbled street. A little row of bistros and cafés sat in front of us. Snatches of French conversation and music drifted from the doorways.

How fucking romantic.

This was where I’d taken Emma for our first date. She’d been unimpressed by all of it. All she’d cared about was getting the perfect shot of the extortionately priced food to put on Instagram. Miri would have thought all this was too pretentious. She’d be right.

Emma was waiting for me inside in a cozy little alcove in the empty bistro. She stood when she saw me. Her hair was set in beautiful auburn waves and a blue dress clung to her willowy frame. She looked incredible. She always had. The sight of her left me cold.

Emma threw her arms around me and pulled me into her embrace, forcing me to breathe in her tangy citrus scent. “Gabe, it’s so good to see you, darling.”

She released me and I slipped into the seat opposite. The candles on the table bathed us in a golden glow. Flashes glanced off the dark windows. The paparazzi were shooting us from outside. It looked more authentic like that. A secret moment between reuniting lovers. Her hand was warm on my neck. She leaned across and whispered in my ear. “Thank you for doing this, darling. This has been so hard for me, too.” She moved her face away, her lips brushing my cheek. “I hated the way we left things. I’ve never stopped thinking about you.”

She shuffled closer and rested her hand on my thigh. She was so close she might as well have crawled onto my lap. “We’re here now. Let’s put on a show.”

I gave her a tight smile. “You always were a good actress. I have no idea why your latest movie was panned.”

Her eyes were like pieces of stone. Lights flashed in the corner of my vision. The paparazzi were lapping it up. Emma smiled indulgently and cupped my cheek. Before I had chance to react her lips covered mine. Her mouth moved against mine and her tongue poked through my lips. She tasted foul, like an ashtray full of cigarette nubs. I steeled myself not to flinch.

“No tongue,” I whispered against her lips.