Her voice trembled. “You don’t mean that.”

I nodded woodenly. “Yes. I do.”

She swallowed. “What about the recording? My mum doesn’t know. I didn’t tell her …”

“I don’t have a lot of control over these things. I’ll put the lawyers on burying it. I’ll do everything I can.”

Her eyes widened with panic. She grabbed my hand. “You’re pissed off with me, but please don’t throw me under the bus, Gabe. Please don’t let that clip get out if you can stop it. This is my career. I’ve worked my whole life to play football. It’s everything to me.”

Exhaustion overwhelmed me. That was the part she cared about. Not me, but the tape. I couldn’t do this anymore. I walked away without looking back.

Chapter 38


Mothersashayedinandtook a seat on the chaise. She smoothed her skirt over her knees and a little white Pomeranian jumped up into her lap. A knot ground in my chest. This whole time, Miri had kept a secret from me. Why? Actually, fuck that. It didn’t matter why. It was a betrayal. I’d trusted her. I hadn’t trusted anyone in so long, but I’d trusted Miri Forster.

Mother raised an eyebrow. The Pomeranian on her lap cocked its head, watching me with expectant, beady eyes. Even the fucking dog had it in for me today.

“Ruby has filled me in.”

My stomach dropped. That was it then. No chance of the men’s team. Not without some serious arse kissing. Maybe with time, but no time soon. I darted a glance in Ruby’s direction. Thanks for nothing. It didn’t matter anymore, anyway.

Ruby raised a rueful eyebrow and held her hands up in surrender. “I work for Joyce. I’m sorry.”

“Can the lawyers keep this out of the news?” I asked.

Mother pressed her lips. “Everybody is working round the clock to sort out this mess.”

“That tape can’t ever see the light of the day.”

Mother smoothed a palm over the Pomeranian’s fluffy head. “It doesn’t look good for you, Gabe.”

I’d had worse. Still, that clip needed to stay out of the press. I was angry at Miri, but not petty enough to drag her name through the dirt. I’d had a lifetime of this shit, but Miri didn’t deserve it.

“Whatever it takes, that clip needs to stay out of the press,” I said.

Ruby shook her head. “It’s not that easy. Unless we give them something else to be excited about.”

I held my head in my hands. What could we do? “What’s more exciting for them than this monumental fuckup?”

“There is one thing more exciting.” Mother’s level gaze met mine. The Pomeranian on her lap cocked its head, watching me. “Get back together with Emma.”

My jaw clenched. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

She waved a dismissive hand. “A few dates. Give the press some photos. Make it look real. The media loved you with Emma. Put to bed those silly rumors about Emma and your dad. You wouldn’t go near her if that was true. This is the story the press will jump on.”

My stomach hardened. “No.”

“Gabe Rivers and Emma Cousins. The billionaire playboy and the Hollywood actress that tamed him, back together. You’re the nation’s love story. This is the way to redeem your image.”

I couldn’t contain my eye roll. My own mother telling me to redeem myself with the woman that had fucked my father, Mother’s husband, behind both of our backs.

“Under no circumstances is this happening. Besides, Emma would never go for that either.”

“She’s on board.”

Anger lashed in my gut. So they’d already discussed it?