“It’s one photo.”

I waited for her reply. Nothing. My heart pounded. What was I doing? Texting a woman after sex. A woman that I almost begged to stay the night. That was two of my rules smashed in less than twenty-four hours. The memory of her desperate whimpers and her taste forced their way into my mind. I positioned a cushion strategically over my lap.

Mother breezed in with three fluffy white Pomeranians trailing at her high heels. My assistant, Ruby, scurried behind her carrying a clipboard. A bandage obscured Mother’s nose and her cheeks were bruised and swollen.

“Darling.” She pouted and air kissed both my cheeks. “How lovely to see you.”

She smoothed her skirt and sat next to me. Ruby pressed her clipboard to her chest, her face grim. Why was she even here? Wasn’t she supposed to bemyassistant?

My phone buzzed in my pocket and my fingers itched to grab it. For fuck’s sake. That could be a photo of Miri Forster’s tits and I had to sit here and make small talk with my mother. I smoothed a smile onto my face. Whatever this was, I needed to get it wrapped up ASAP.

“I’m disappointed, Gabe.”

“What have I done now?”

Ruby dropped her gaze to her knees.

“What have you told her, Ruby?”

Ruby spread her arms regretfully. “The truth, Gabe. I’m sorry. I have to be honest with Joyce. Karl said he brought a girl to you last night. One of the players …”

My teeth gritted. So, not just Karl. Ruby was ratting me out as well.

“I thought you brought me here to talk about Christmas dinner?”

Mother’s eyes flashed with confusion. “Christmas dinner? I’m flying to Dubai this afternoon to spend Christmas with the girls. Didn’t I tell you, darling?”


Mother pouted and patted my leg. “Oh, I’m sorry. You know I can’t bear the cold at Christmas. I can’t believe I’ve lasted here as long as I have. No, I came to talk about your future.” Mother shook her head. “You’re up to your old tricks again.”

“You can’t ban me from talking to women. This girl is trustworthy. She wouldn’t sell me out. You can’t expect me to live like a monk.”

“I suppose it depends if you want the team or not?”

“I want the team, but not if it causes my dick to fall off. You’re being unreasonable.”

Mother flexed her fingers in her lap and examined her perfect manicure. “We’ve been down this road so many times. This isn’t about banning you from sex. It’s about you choosing an appropriate partner.”

“This is about you controlling me.”

“We want the best for you. You told me you’d behave, and already you’ve been photographed in a strip club and now you’re associating with a girl you employ. How do you think this looks?”

“I don’t care how it looks.”

Mother sighed. “We miss Emma. The two of you looked so perfect together. Everybody loves you with Emma.”

“Give it a rest, Mother. I’m never getting back together with Emma.”

She patted my knee. “Well, I believe that you’re trying. I have every faith in you, darling. You want the men’s team, so you must behave yourself now we’ve had this little talk.”

My blood went cold. “This is ridiculous.”

“Happy Christmas, darling. Let’s see some better behavior in the New Year.”

My phone buzzed again in my pocket. Fuck it. I couldn’t wait anymore. I pulled it out and opened an image of Miri’s face. Her golden hair hung damp around her slim oval face. A teasing smile twisted her pretty lips and her jaw was set at a stubborn angle.

I sent off a quick text. “I want you naked.”