Mum smiled. “Well, I’m so glad you’re both back. Now we have everyone home for Christmas.”

Frankie raced to Mum and dropped down to hug her again. “And we have you home. I can’t believe we’re all together in this house again. It’s so weird.”

Reece blew out a breath and shook his head. “I haven’t bought enough food. I’m going to have to go shopping. I’ve planned the menu this week.”

Frankie smiled. “No worries. I’ll come and give you a hand.”

A brief grimace flashed across Reece’s face. He wouldn’t welcome help. He had his own fastidious systems for doing everything, and Frankie was the embodiment of chaos.

Frankie smiled. “And Miri can tell us all about her celebrity boyfriend, Gabe Rivers.”

Irritation made my lips thin. “He’s not my boyfriend.”

Mum’s eyebrows flew up. “Is that who’s been giving you rides in a Lamborghini?”

Frankie reached across me and grabbed a mince pie. “He’s been giving her more than that.”

My cheeks flamed and I covered my ears. “Stop. Gabe Rivers is not my boyfriend. He’s my boss.”

Frankie laughed. “Oh my God, you’re as red as a beetroot. You’re in love with Gabe Rivers, aren’t you?TheGabe Rivers.”

My chest tightened. “I am not in love with Gabe Rivers.TheGabe Rivers. He’s the director of the club I play for. It’s a professional relationship.”

“Yeah. Yeah. Of course it is.” Frankie clapped her hands together in excitement. “Right. Reece, hurry up with that tea. I need to catch up with Miri.” Frankie pushed me out of the kitchen. She leaned in low to whisper in my ear. “The word on the street is that the man has the meat. How big are we talking? I need you to confirm the facts, and don’t spare me a single detail.”

Chapter 25


Isatininthe enormous lounge, waiting for Mother to meet me for brunch. Bright December sun streamed in through the tall windows, and the gentle clicks of the ancient grandfather clock pierced the silence. Portraits of dead relatives stared down at me from the walls above a crackling fire. Unlike my dad, Mother was “old money.” The house had been passed down through generations dating back to the 18thcentury. Her side of the family were all crusty old aristocrats. If enough people died, she’d even have a claim to the throne, and God help us all if that ever happened.

Perhaps she’d invited me over to discuss plans for Christmas. I didn’t fancy spending a day here, but it was better than being alone in the Beaufort.

I drummed my fingers on the coffee table before I pulled out my phone.

My fingers hovered over the screen. Screw it. I didn’t text my casual fucks. They texted me. I didn’t chase. I was supposed to be behaving myself. But why play games? I could check in after last night. It didn’t mean anything. It was basic politeness. I sent a text.

“Last night was fun.”

Little dots appeared then disappeared.

I stared at the screen. I managed to wait an entire minute before I typed another message.

“What are you doing today?”

The dots appeared again. “About to get in the shower after training.”

Heat seared through me. Miri Forster naked was a sight to behold. “Are you naked right now?”

“Not yet.”

“Send a picture when you are.”


“You don’t get to tell me you’re about to be naked and not send me a photo.”

“We said one night.”