Page 29 of We Found Love

“Amusing, but no. I meant the bags beneath.”

“I’ve always had those.”

His brother’s look was steady. “No, you haven’t. You didn’t have them when we were younger.”

“What the hell are you talking about? No way can you remember anything about what I looked like when we were children.”

“Can I ask you something?”

“As long as it doesn’t relate to my eyes, go for it.”

“Luna said I’ve lived too long with my head up my butt and not shown enough interest in you because, well, because you’re Ford. Maggie was always a worry and in my face because, well, because she’s our little sister, but you… You’re like Dad. Just steady and there.”

“Is there a point to this? I mean, nothing has changed in the past week, month, or year. I’m just as I’ve always been, the best brother in the Winter-brother duo. Tall, handsome, intelligent.”

“Ha, I don’t think so, but that’s not relevant right now.” Nash gave that small smile that meant he was amused, and then it fell away. “Are you hiding something from me, Ford? Something big about you that I missed?”

The shock must have shown on his face because his brother’s mouth drew into a thin line.

“You are,” he said softly. “What?”

“Nothing.” His heart was thudding hard inside his chest suddenly.

“Something. You’re not sick, are you? I mean really sick?” His brother looked worried.

“No, I’m okay.”

“That’s something then. So whatever this is you’re hiding from me is not an illness.”

“Why do I have to be hiding anything?” Ford heard the frustration in his voice.

“I don’t know why. You tell me.”

“I’m the fucking eldest in this family—”

“You always pull out the big-brother card when you want to win an argument or stop a discussion.”

“Fuck you,” Ford muttered.


“Saved by a fiery redhead,” Nash said. “This is not over, and I’m pissed you won’t tell me about it.”

“There is no it. Move on, Nash.”

“There is, and I’m not letting it go. I’ve missed something—we all have—and that’s on us for not looking deeper—”

“You’re deluded, and just because your woman is all new age and getting you in touch with your feelings, don’t think I’m getting on board.” Ford had meant the words to be humorous, but they came out more like a snarl.

“You don’t snap like that unless it’s serious.”

“Because you’re pissing me off!”

“And now anger. That’s rare too,” Nash said.

“One more word and I’m punching you.”

Nash just smiled, so Ford turned away to greet his sister and her man.