Page 30 of We Found Love

“We’ve come to check out your plans and give you our advice on interior finishes.”

“You told her about the plans?” He glared at his brother.

“Why shouldn’t he have told me?” Maggs asked.

“Because you’ll want to change them.”

Maggs placed a hand on her chest as if he’d wounded her. “I would never do that.”

“Maggie, you changed our plans five times,” Fin drawled.

Bee came in with a bark and ran to them. Ford loved his sister’s dog and got down on his knees to pet her. He needed that time to calm down. Nash was right. He never got angry, but he felt it then. He didn’t want people poking around in his life, didn’t need Nash asking him questions about something he’d decided his family didn’t need to know even if sometimes he felt guilty about that choice.

Damn you, Luna.

“You should get a dog,” Nash said.

“Mr. Goldhirsh told me that.” His voice was calm again.

“That man,” they all said as one.

“So let’s go. I brought a bottle of champagne for us to celebrate,” Maggie said.

“Are we riding or going in the ATV?” Fin asked.

“ATV,” Ford and Nash said. They’d been on horseback most of the day, and he was happy to get in a vehicle too.

“Let me get my plans. They’re in the house.”

When he returned, Fin, Maggie, and Ford were in the bunkhouse. It was a large room where one wall had four sets of bunks, then toward the middle was a huge table with bench seats on either side, and a kitchen was on the opposite wall. His family was looking at the shelves that held books and magazines.

“What are you looking at?”

“Your models,” Nash said. “They’re really good.”


Ford had taken up building models when his sleep issues started. He’d built cars, trucks, planes, and motorcycles. He loved the detailed work, and it took his mind to a place where he no longer had to think about the nightmare that had woken him or the sleep he wasn’t getting.

“That’s a new one.” Maggie pointed to a fire engine he’d painted bright red. “Luke would love that in his office.”

“Give it to him then. I have plenty to take with me when I get the house built and move out.”

“Get you all grown up and moving out,” Fin said, his eyes on the models. “These are really good, bud. I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating.”


“You give it to him since you made it,” Maggie said.

“Maggie, men aren’t like that. They don’t need to make a big deal about stuff. If you think Luke will like it, just give it to him. No big deal.” Ford shrugged.

“Women don’t make a big deal about things.” She braced her hand on her hips.

“Right. Time to go,” Fin said quickly.

Nash and Ford followed him out the door.

“They don’t!”