Page 120 of We Found Love

“It’s okay,” she said softly. “I guess it all happened so fast between us. We’ll talk back in Ryker Falls.”

“Okay. But now you need to go and speak to Sheriff Dans. You’ve spent your entire life wondering who your father is. Are you going to miss this opportunity when all things point to it possibly being him?”

She didn’t speak, just kept her eyes on the sheriff.

“I need to see if Ritchie’s okay.”

“You just left him. Does he look like he’s not okay?”

They both turned and found the boy eating with the other kids. He laughed at something Grace said. As if he sensed them, he looked up and waved. They both waved back.

“So he’s all good then. Anything else you want to check on? Be brave, Autumn.”

“You don’t get to come at me about being brave when you’ve been hiding since college, Ford.”

“Ouch. That was low.”

“But true.” Autumn drew in a large breath and then released it slowly.

“You got this.”

She nodded and walked away from him, but it was in the right direction. Ford watched as she stopped beside the sheriff and waited for him to notice her. When he did, he leaned in as Autumn spoke. The man then looked at his watch. More words were exchanged. He wished he could hear what they said, and then the sheriff left. Autumn walked back to where her bag was, away from him.


Heart thumping, Autumn went to speak with Aunt Jess and Mr. Goldhirsh. Joe and Piper were sitting on a blanket with them.

“I… I need to go somewhere for a bit. I mean, I have to see someone. Can you please watch Ritchie until I return? I’ll try not to be long, and Joe has my phone number if you need me.”

Something on her face had Joe rising with Piper.

“What’s going on?” Piper asked her.

She was glad she’d spoken to Ford. Glad they’d cleared the air… kind of. He’d pushed her into going to speak with Sheriff Dans and ask if she could have a few minutes of his time. He’d said yes and for her to come to the station as soon as she could since he was heading there. He hadn’t asked her why, just smiled and left.

“Nothing. I mean, something, but I need to deal with it now. Please, Piper, don’t ask any more questions. I’ll tell you when I can.”

“You need one of us to come with you?” Joe asked.

She badly wanted to say yes, but this was something only she could do.

“No, I’m all good. Please just call me if Ritchie needs me. I shouldn’t be too long. I hate to do this to you—”

“Ritchie is a nice kid. We have no problem looking after him. It’s you we’re worried about,” Joe said.

She had to swallow to ease the tightness in her throat at those words. They both looked worried, and then Joe looked over her shoulder. When she turned, it was to find Ford a few feet away.

“Maybe ask him to go with you?” Piper said.

“No. I need to do this alone. Thank you for looking after Ritchie. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“We got this.” Joe leaned down and kissed her cheek.

She said goodbye to Ritchie and then walked in the other direction from where Ford stood. Yes, he’d apologized, and she understood why he’d acted as he had. They’d talked, and she felt better about that now. Autumn shot a look over her shoulder and found Ford’s eyes on her. She raised her hand, and he waved back.

I’m doing this because I need to know.She headed to the police station.I’m doing this to see if I can locate my father because I’ve wondered who he was for years. Even if it’s not Sheriff Dans, he may know who it might be.
