Page 119 of We Found Love

“If I could swear at you, I would,” Ford muttered.

Nash gave Ford a look he didn’t want to interpret, so he continued to watch Autumn. In fact, he barely saw any of the other women, just her.

The crowd roared as the Lyntacky ladies scored. It was close, and Ryker Falls had the lead.

“Win to Ryker Falls!” Mayor Gripper called minutes later.

The girls were happy, high-fiving and laughing. Their opposition looked like the Ryker boys had when they’d lost.

“Hey, sweetie. You okay?” Autumn came to where he stood holding Ritchie.

“I’m good, thanks.”

She didn’t smile at Ford’s words, just took her son with a “thanks for looking after him” and walked away.

“I just got frostbite,” Nash whispered.

Ford reciprocated the earlier jab to the ribs.

“Good win for the girls,” Mr. Goldhirsh said, jogging to where he stood.

“Real good. Just out of curiosity, is there a day you don’t run?”

“Christmas day and when I’m unwell.” He gave Ford a look and nodded as if he’d come to some kind of realization. “You look better.”

“Than what?”

“Than you did last time I saw you. Like your burdens are not quite as heavy now, Ford.”

“There is no way you can know that by just looking at me.” Even if it was true. Or had been, until last night. “Plus I have a bruise on my chin.”

“That’s surface.” Mr. Goldhirsh waved his words away. “It’s in the eyes, Ford. You’ll excuse me. I need to go see my wife and the babies.”

“That man,” Nash muttered before wandering away to see his girl.

Ford wondered what the hell he was supposed to do now. How could he get Autumn to talk to him, or did he just leave it like she wanted until they got back to Ryker Falls?

He searched for her. She was standing a few feet away, looking at Sheriff Dans. Ford moved to intercept her.

“Nice game.”


“I know you don’t want to talk to me, Autumn, but you need to go talk to Sheriff Dans. You may not get another chance.”

“What?” Her eyes shot to his.

“You heard. If this is going to ride you, you need to deal with it. We both heard their names. You have to talk to him.”

“I-I don’t think I can.”

“Of course you can. You’re strong in there.” He tapped her forehead. “When you’re ready, wewilltalk. But know I never meant to hurt you and I’m sorry.”

Ford watched her shoulders lower from her ears.

“I just need some time, Ford. After that talk on the verandah and then what happened. It did hurt.”

“I know, baby, and I really am sorry. I reacted without thinking.”