Page 105 of We Found Love

“Open the door, Ford.” Nash pounded on it again.

“What?” He wrenched it open. His brother stood there like a storm cloud.

“What’s going on with you?”


“Not nothing. What happened last night? What’s the deal with you and Autumn?”

He didn’t want to hear her name because it hurt.

“I saw her in the hallway last night before I knocked on your door, and you refused to answer.”

“I was sleeping.”

“No, you weren’t, because she said something was wrong and asked me to come and see you.”

Ford turned away from his brother’s gaze. He walked to the window and looked out. Even though he’d hurt her, she’d asked Nash to check on him. The guilt grew.

“The look on her face, even though the light in that hall is not great, was devastated. She looked ready to cry. What the fuck did you do to her?”

“Nothing.”Fuck, he’d made her cry.

“I just saw her outside. Tried to speak to her, but she left and headed into town. What’s going on, Ford?”

“It’s nothing to do with you, Nash. Butt out.”

Ignoring Ford, Nash kept talking. “I didn’t get close, but Joe said she looked tired and sad. What did you do to her?”

“Why do you think I did anything?” His chest burned at the thought of Autumn hurting.

He’d overreacted last night. But knowing he was inches from hurting her had scared him. Ford needed to talk to her and try to explain.

“What happened?”

“Just leave it, Nash,” Ford growled.

“Or what?” Nash stepped into his space.

He snapped. Charging his brother, Ford forced him down onto the bed, but Nash carried more pounds than him and bucked him off. Getting back to his feet, he raised his fists. Ford did the same.

“All right then, let’s do this.”

Ford swung at him. Nash danced back.

“This is too easy. You’re angry and you never lose your cool, so you’re not thinking clearly.”

He knew Nash was taunting him, knew but didn’t care. He had a red haze over his eyes, and his brother was in his line of sight. He ran at him, tackling him to the floor. They hit with a thud, and then he was swinging. He got in a good shot to the jaw before Nash rolled again and hit him. The blow was hard enough to make him see stars.

They wrestled on the floor. He heard the crash of a chair, but nothing was stopping him.

“Well hell.”

He heard the words, and then Nash was dragged off him. He leaped to his feet and looked at his brother, saw the blood running from his nose. Looking at his scraped knuckles, he closed his eyes and let the red haze ease.

“Fuck.” His eyes went to the door, but he couldn’t escape because Luke, Jack, and Joe Trainer were standing inside, blocking it.

“This is a pickle,” Jack said, folding his arms across his chest.