Page 106 of We Found Love

“You all need to leave,” Ford growled.

“No,” Joe said. “Not until you’ve calmed down and we can be sure it’s not going to happen again.”

Ford looked at his brother. Nash’s eyes locked on his.

“Christ. I’m sorry, man.”

“You were looking for blood, and I was handy. Don’t make a big deal out of it. I’ve bloodied your nose enough times.”

“We were teenagers!”

Nash shrugged. “At least you’re exhibiting strong emotions. I haven’t seen that from you in a while.”

“You’re nuts if you think that anything I just did was okay!” He was disgusted with himself.

“So, want to tell us what brought this on?” Joe asked.

“No.” Ford prowled to his brother. “I’m sorry. Really.”

“I was poking at you, bro. This”—he pointed to his nose—“was a result of that.” Nash held out his hand, and Ford gripped it and then pulled his little brother in for a hug. He held him in a hard grip.

“Sure glad I wasn’t handy. I reckon he can hit hard,” Jack said.

“And then some,” Nash said when Ford had released him.

“We’re no closer to knowing what the hell happened, however,” Joe said, walking into the bathroom. He came back with a towel, which he threw at Nash. “But if I had to guess, it would have to do with the unhappy schoolteacher who just left here looking like a wreck.”

Pain knifed through Ford. “Leave it alone, Joe.”

“Clearly you don’t know the Trainers well if you think we’d leave anything alone. Add to that, Autumn has no family in Ryker Falls, so we’ve stepped up there and are looking out for her.”

Ford had to say he liked that she had the Trainers in her corner. They were good guys and could be mean when required.

“What happened is between her and me,” Ford said. “Because, unlike you bleeding-heart Trainers, Winters don’t feel the need to spill their insides regularly.”

“Amen.” He felt Nash move to his side.

“Let me through!”

“Well fuck,” Ford muttered as Maggie pushed through the wall of men. “Everything is all right, Tigger.”

“He’s bleeding and your jaw is bruising. That is not all right.”

Her hair was crazy, a wild cloud of red. A crease ran down her cheek, and she looked like an angry elf. He kept that thought to himself.

“Just an accident.” Nash slung and arm around Ford’s shoulder.

Her eyes narrowed as they went from Ford to Nash. “You’re lying.”

“Need any help, honey?”

“No, go back to bed, Fin!” She called over her shoulder.

“Or get up because we’re going into town for breakfast!” Joe yelled.

“That could work,” the ranger could be heard muttering.

“Go get ready, Tigger.” Ford placed a hand on her head. “Everything is okay.”