“First time. You?” With her arms wrapped around her knees, she looked about as comfortable as him.
“Yeah. In fact, I’m wondering what the hell I’m doing here.”
“He’s a very persuasive man.”
“He get to you too?”
“Mr. Goldhirsh said I needed more relaxation in my life. He then rang his old next-door neighbor to babysit Ritchie. She turned up on the doorstep thirty minutes ago.”
“I’ve heard some of the stuff he does. I’ve just never been Goldhirshed myself,” Ford said.
“He’s a legend in these parts.”
“Now class, we will start with a few stretches,” Mr. Goldhirsh said.
Autumn and Ford looked at each other. Wasn’t this meditation class?
“Yoga was developed as a way to prepare the body for meditation.” Mr. Goldhirsh went on to describe in detail how that came about. “We will now move into an easy pose, Sukhasana.”
“Bless you,” Jack Trainer called.
Ford had always thought of himself as flexible, but what he went through over the next twenty minutes proved otherwise.
“Your hamstrings are tight due to all the time you spend in the saddle, Ford.” Mr. Goldhirsh gave him a gentle downward push, and his muscles protested furiously.
“And you spend all day on your feet, Autumn, so your lower back will be sore.”
“You’re both very stiff,” Mr. Goldhirsh said after he’d spent a few minutes moving them into positions. “But we’ll work on that.”
“Great,” he and Autumn said at the same time with zero sincerity.
Ford shot her a grin, which she returned. It was okay to be friends with her, he reminded himself.You’re an adult and don’t need to take it any further no matter where your mind goes.
And it went south every time she bent over and showed him that lovely round ass.
Ford Winter’s shorts were old enough that when he bent over beside her, she could see the material stretch tight across a very nice butt if she happened to be looking. Not that she was looking.
Somehow Mr. Goldhirsh had gotten the sexy rancher here for the yoga/meditation class, and she thought that was one hell of an achievement.
When Ford walked in, he’d been tense and looking a bit panicky. Clearly like her, he’d rather have avoided the class.
“If he tells you that ballroom dancing is good for your roping skills, you need to tell him no,” she said out of the side of her mouth as they bent into downward dog.
“What do you know about my roping skills?”
The questions were innocent, but the wicked look in his eyes was not.
“I’m just saying that the guy can get people to exercise by telling them it benefits something in their lives.”
He smiled as if he knew she was avoiding his question.
“There are stories about him and what he’s made people do around this town that are half fable and half truth,” Ford whispered. He was looking at her under his arm. A really nice arm that was showing off his muscles.
“He could give my grandmother lessons.” Thinking about who she’d left behind in Lincoln, she felt a rush of gratitude. They’d raised her with food always in plentiful supply and the best sneakers on her teenage feet. Maybe they hadn’t wanted a three-year-old thrust on them, but they’d taken her in without hesitation.
“Where is home for you?”