Page 35 of We Found Love

“Lincoln. I was born and raised there.”

“Ryker Falls is a long way from Lincoln.”

“Yes. That day in the hotel, when you…”

“I know what you mean, Autumn.”

“Right. Well, I was coming here for an interview. My grandparents had Ritchie.”

“And now we will begin the first steps toward meditation becoming a permanent part of your everyday life,” Mr. Goldhirsh said.

She wasn’t completely sure but thought Ford said, “Not likely.”

“Take ten deep breaths, counting to five during each exhale and inhale. Allow your lungs to fill up as you inhale, and then slowly exhale through your nose, allowing your shoulders to drop.”

She did as Mr. Goldhirsh instructed and had to say it took a couple of tries before she could haul in a really deep breath.

“When you’re stressed or worried, the muscles that help you breathe tighten. We need to relax those and let go of what is bothering you. Focus on the now.”

“How very new age he is,” Ford said after an exhale. “Mind you, if I’m in his shape at his age, I’ll be happy.”

Autumn shot a look at the large man beside her. She thought he was in excellent shape.

“It took me a couple of tries, but I got a big inhale finally.”

“Still working on it,” Ford muttered.

“Deep breathing will also help you sleep by helping your heart rate to slow,” Mr. Goldhirsh said.

He took them through the first steps of meditation, keeping things simple and easy. Maybe she should have tried this before. Her mind and body definitely felt more relaxed.

“Now lie on you backs please.”

Ford didn’t move. “Why are we lying down?” he whispered.

“It’s the relaxation part of the class,” a woman from two rows in front of them said.

“What is her name? She says hello to me like we should know each other, but I’m clueless,” he whispered.


“Pearl,” he repeated slowly as if he was storing the name in his memory banks.

“Lie down,” Autumn said to him.

He resisted. For some reason the thought of lying down didn’t sit well with Ford.

“You’re meant to be relaxed after what we just did,” she whispered.

“I am,” he snapped.

“You sure sound it.”

“On your back please, Ford,” Mr. Goldhirsh said.

“Not words you hear every day,” he muttered, lying down.

Soft music filled the air. The lights turned off.