Page 92 of Kayleigh

There was a light rap at the door, and Stephanie got up in response to it. She stepped out into the hallway, closing the door behind her.

“Your final payment and separation papers will be sent to you,” Caren said. “You will not receive any pay in lieu of notice since you are being fired with just cause. Effective immediately.”

Liz stood up from her chair just as Stephanie stepped back into the room. Rather than close the door, she gestured for someone to follow her. Mario stepped into the room with a frown on his face.

“Mario will escort you to your office to clear out your things,” Stephanie said. “And then off the property.”

“You are not welcome on any Remington property in the world,” Hudson added.

Liz didn’t even bother to beg for any sort of leniency. Instead, she stared right at Kayleigh. “You might think you’ve won, but you haven’t. You’re going to regret this.”

Hudson didn’t like the threat he heard in Liz’s words, and as he watched her walk out the door with Mario right behind her, he wondered if he should hire security for Kayleigh. He’d gladly do it if it meant she would be safe.

“That was… interesting,” Caren said once it was just the four of them in the room.

Kayleigh’s head tilted down, and Hudson wished more than anything that he could comfort her. However, he had a feeling that she wouldn’t appreciate that in their current setting. They were at work, and Kayleigh would want to keep things professional. He understood that, so he kept his distance.

“I’m really sorry Liz turned on you, Kayleigh,” Stephanie said. “I didn’t see that coming.”

Kayleigh lifted her head to look at her HR manager. “Yeah. Neither did I.”

“Kayleigh, you need to realize that Liz’s actions and opinions are not a reflection of who you are or your position here,” Caren said.

“None of what she said was a lie.”

“So you’re saying that you got this job simply because Alexander knows who you are?” Caren asked.

Hudson wanted to step in with assurances that nothing could be further from the truth, but he thought that Kayleigh might need to hear it from Caren.

“Nothing I’ve seen has indicated that you aren’t qualified to do this job,” the older woman said. “Do you think differently?”

“I know how to do the job,” Kayleigh said, her tone confident. “And I think that I do it well. I certainly try my best to make decisions that benefit the resort and the guests, as well as the employees.”

“I know Alexander Remington fairly well, and he wouldnothave put someone in a position of managing one of his properties that wasn’t qualified,” Caren said. “The only time his relationship with you might have come into play was if all things were equal between you and another candidate, then he’d go with the person he knew and trusted.”

“That’s very true,” Hudson said. “Alexander likes qualified people, but what he likes more are qualified people he knows and trusts. So don’t think you were given the position of manager based on your friendship with Alexander alone.”

Kayleigh’s deep inhale and slow exhale was audible. “I want to believe that, because I worked hard to get this job.”

“Then let Liz’s opinion of you go,” Hudson told her. “You’re where you’re supposed to be. Don’t doubt that.”

“Will Mario let us know when Liz is gone, Stephanie?” Caren asked.

“Yep. I told him to text me when she was off the property.”

They talked for a few more minutes, then Caren and Stephanie left the room, with Stephanie promising to let them know once she heard from Mario.

“This isn’t over,” Kayleigh said when it was just the two of them.

“Probably not,” Hudson agreed. “Liz doesn’t strike me as someone who lets things go easily.”

Kayleigh shifted in her seat so she could face him better. “Do you think she had something to do with the other stuff that has happened?”

Hudson shrugged. “It’s not out of the realm of possibility. All of it could be used as proof that you’re not qualified to manage the resort.”

That made Kayleigh frown. “Do you think that is true?”

“No, I don’t. You’ve responded to what happened appropriately by calling in the police and reporting the matters to headquarters. This is not the only location that has had issues with theft. It happens. However, the cluster of them was a bit concerning. It seemed targeted.”