Page 93 of Kayleigh

“She wouldn’t be able to do it alone,” Kayleigh said. “She’s got an average grasp of technology. I don’t think she’d know how to block the security cameras.”

“We need to have Mario run a more in-depth background check on her. See who her other friends are. Family members. Boyfriends. Anyone who might have the knowledge to do what was necessary to facilitate the thefts.”

“And the restaurant stuff?” Kayleigh asked.

“That would probably be easier for her to pull off,” Hudson said. “But I doubt that Liz is actually getting her own hands dirty.”

Kayleigh lifted her hand and pressed her fingers to her forehead. “This is just… so much.”

Hudson reached out and rested his hand on her arm for a moment. “But you’re not alone in dealing with it. Caren and I will be handling a lot of this since Liz might try to bring in legal counsel, so we may have to do that as well. You just focus on your job here. The resort and its employees still need your guidance.”

Kayleigh nodded. “Honestly, I really just want to do that. But you know as well as I do that my job also requires me to deal with the tough stuff.”

“And you have,” Hudson said. “But just like this resort isn’t a standalone, neither are you. We’re here to help sort through the unusual stuff, which all of this with Liz definitely is.”

“I very much appreciate the help both you and Caren have given me.”

Hudson wondered how much longer he’d have an excuse to stick around Serenity now that it appeared that the mysterious incidents were close to being solved. Caren would probably stay a few more days to make sure that everything was taken care of with regards to Liz’s firing. She would document everything that led up to the dismissal, then make sure that all the i’s were dotted, and the t’s were crossed.

After a glance at his watch, Hudson asked, “What time is Wilder off work?”

“Four-thirty,” Kayleigh said. “I’ve already asked the ski shop to tell him to come to my office when he’s done.”

They had around half an hour before he’d be there, and Hudson could only imagine that Kayleigh was wishing the day was already over.

“Shall we return to your office?”

Kayleigh nodded and got to her feet. Hudson followed her out of the boardroom, hoping she didn’t mind if he parked himself in her office until Wilder showed up.

“Actually, I’m going to give Alexander a call to update him. I’ll just be out in the hallway.”

Kayleigh turned into the doorway of her office. “Okay. I’m going to try to get a little work done before Wilder shows up.”

The hallway was empty, so Hudson leaned against the wall as he placed the call to Alexander. When the man answered, he said, “The situation with Wilder has had some developments that I thought you might like to be appraised of.”

For the next few minutes, he recounted the events of the day. Alexander listened in silence until Hudson finished.

“How is Kayleigh?” he asked.

“She’s a little shaken by having a friend turn against her so vehemently, but she’s going to be okay. She’s strong.”

“Yes, she is. It’s one of the reasons I put her in that position.”

“We’ll be telling Wilder about this latest turn of events shortly.”

“When are you coming back to New York?”

“I think Caren will be here at least a couple more days. Longer for me as we try to see if Liz is behind the other incidents that have been going on here.”

“You think they’re related?”

“I’m not sure, but I don’t think we should dismiss that possibility.”

“I’ll trust your judgment on this,” Alexander said. “But you need to go to Paris soon.”

“I haven’t forgotten. I’ve been in contact with Gerard, and I told him I’d be there early next week. When I’m done there, I’ll still have to come back to Serenity. I’m going to have people look into Liz’s background, specifically regarding any connections that might tie her to what’s been going on here.”

“I didn’t expect you to be there this long,” Alexander said. “Is there anything else I should know about?”