Page 10 of Kayleigh

Blowing out a long breath, Kayleigh let her head drop forward, stretching her neck to try to loosen the tension there. She’d wanted to have an update, but did she really want to tell this Hudson St. James guy that it was possibly one of their employees? No. No, she did not.

A knock had Kayleigh straightening in a hurry. Unfortunately, her door was open, so she saw immediately who was there. The man from the gym, but he looked very much the professional in an expensive suit with his hair smoothed back.

“Kayleigh Halverson?”

Kayleigh nodded as she got to her feet and came around her desk. “Yes. I’m Kayleigh.”

He stepped toward her and held out his hand. “I’m Hudson St. James with Remington Properties.”

Kayleigh took his hand in a firm shake, then said, “Nice to meet you.”

“Am I interrupting?” he asked as he let go of her hand.

His expression was impossible to read, which put Kayleigh on edge. “No. Not at all.” She half-turned toward her desk and gestured at the chairs opposite hers. “Would you like to have a seat?”

“Yes. Thanks.”

Kayleigh gave her hands a subtle squeeze and shake as she went back to her seat. Hudson waited until she settled into her chair before taking one of the seats she’d indicated.

“Am I correct in assuming you’re here on official business?” Kayleigh said, deciding that beating around the bush wasn’t something that interested her. “After a few days of vacation?”

His brows rose slightly, but then he nodded. “I am. And yes, I enjoyed a couple of days taking in the many services offered here at the resort. This is my first time at this location.”

“Do you visit a lot of Remington properties?”

“I do. I think I’ve been to most of them.”

“Everywhere?” she asked. “Or just in the US?”


“Wow. Lots of travel.”

“Yes. I just got back from Asia on Sunday, so I took a couple of days to unwind here before shifting back to business.”

Unwind and case out the joint, Kayleigh couldn’t help thinking.

“I hope you were able to enjoy all our amenities.”

“Maybe not all of them, but a few. Did some swimming, went skiing, did a little shopping. Ate at the restaurants.”

“Which was your favorite?” Kayleigh asked.

“Gonna have to say it was the Steakhouse.”

Kayleigh nodded. “That place is a favorite with a lot of people.”

“But the other restaurants were also busy, so apparently steak isn’t all the guests are looking for.”

“That’s true. All three of the restaurants are popular.”

There was a moment of silence before Hudson said, “I suppose you’re wondering why I’m here.”

Kayleigh picked up the pen she used with her tablet, sliding its smooth surface between her fingers. “Your visit is a bit out of the ordinary, as most often we’re dealing with the district manager from Seattle.”

Hudson arched a brow. “And Alexander Remington?”

“On occasion.” She wasn’t sure what to make of the hard edge to Hudson’s voice when he said the man’s name. “He usually shows up once a year. It’s more a holiday for him than business, though, I think.”