Page 11 of Kayleigh

“Do you know his family?”

That was kind of a weird question, but she didn’t think it was an issue to answer him. “Yes. I’ve met them. He usually brings his wife with him. Sometimes his kids, too, if they’re out of school. Do you know him?”

“Yep. He’s the one who sent me here.”

Kayleigh wasn’t sure if she should take comfort in that fact or worry more. If Alexander had come and asked her about the incidents, she would have felt more comfortable. The fact that he’d sent this man instead made her worry that Alexander assumed that circumstances were such that she might need to be fired.

Her heart pounded at the thought, and she was glad that the man seated across from her couldn’t hear it. That was the only thing that made sense with Alexander not coming himself to deal with what had concerned him enough to send this man instead.

“Is there something I can help you with while you’re here?” Kayleigh asked, needing to get things moving so she knew exactly what was going on. The not knowing was sending her worry through the roof. It was likely he was doing that on purpose to keep her off balance.

His blue eyes were piercing but completely without expression. “I’ve been made aware that you’ve experienced several thefts here at the resort.”

Well, at least now she had confirmation of her suspicions. “Yes.”

“As I’m sure you’re aware, Remington prides itself on providing the best experience for our guests, which includes security for themselves and their belongings while they’re at one of our properties.” Hudson shifted in his seat and leaned forward, pinning her with his intense gaze. “Has there been a police report made?”

“Yes.” Kayleigh opened a drawer in her desk and pulled out a file. “We made a report after we were notified of each theft.”


“I spoke with the police chief earlier today.”

Over the next few minutes, she relayed to him everything the chief had told her. Though she didn’t want to tell him that it could be an inside job, Kayleigh knew she shouldn’t hold the information back from this man. He was going to find out one way or another, and it was better he heard it from her.

He would no doubt call the chief himself at some point.

Kayleigh handed over the file that contained all the information she had on the thefts. Hudson took it, then spent a few minutes reading over its contents.

As he did that, Kayleigh took in his appearance. He wore a dark gray suit with a white shirt and a paisley tie in shades of dark blue and purple. The suit fit his broad shoulders like it was made for him, and Kayleigh thought perhaps it had been. Though his watch was the only jewelry he wore, it looked like it was an expensive brand.

All of it came together to present a very attractive package, but there was a hardness in his gaze that would make a person wary.

It madeherwary, for sure.

He glanced up at her for a moment before turning his attention back to the file. “Doyouthink it could be an employee?”

“I don’t want to think that,” she told him. “But I suppose anything is possible. We do our best to vet everyone we hire, but unfortunately, someone could have slipped through the cracks.”

Kayleigh expected him to lambast her for not having a better process, but all he did was nod as he closed the file.

“I’m going to contact someone to go over the security tapes. Someone who might be a little more experienced than the cops,” he said. “You still have copies?”

“We do.”

“Who is in charge of security here?” He set the file on the desk, then pulled out his phone.

Kayleigh gave him the information he requested, watching as he typed it into his phone. The thing was, she didn’t think he needed her to give him this information. It seemed unlikely that Alexander would have sent him there unprepared. What that meant, she didn’t know.

“Are you at all concerned that this might escalate?” Hudson asked.

“After the first theft, it’s definitely been a possibility in my mind. However, they’ve continued to just be thefts.”

“And what they’ve stolen hasn’t increased in value?”

“Nope. The first theft was actually the most expensive.”

“I’d like to know the motive.” Hudson leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms as he stared at the file on the desk. “The items that were taken are really small potatoes compared to what was most likely available to be stolen.”