Page 51 of Kayleigh

“We definitely can’t have you starving to death on top of everything.”

“No worries. That’ll never happen.”

“Did you want me to book tickets or check to see if the company jet is available for what we discussed?”

“Just hold off for now. I want to sit on the schedule for a day and see how I feel about it.”

“I think that’s a good idea.”

After the call ended, Hudson placed an order for room service, disappointed that he hadn’t been keeping a better eye on the clock. He knew he couldn’t keep spending time with Kayleigh, especially during work hours, if their time together wasn’t tied to work.

They both had plenty to do, so it was probably just as well that he’d missed having lunch with her.

When his meal arrived, Hudson set it down on the table next to his laptop. Rather than take a few minutes to enjoy his lunch, he ate as he worked.

Hudson didn’t know what time Kayleigh usually finished work, especially since she was there so early, but he headed toward her office a little before five to see if she was still around.

Her assistant was at her desk, clearly getting ready to leave. She looked up and gave Hudson a smile as he approached.

“Has Kayleigh left for the day?”

The woman—he thought her name was Andrea—shook her head. “If it’s not too late, she takes a walk around each of the departments before she leaves, and she decided to do that today.”

“Maybe I’ll see if I can track her down.”

“You can also call her on her work phone. She has it with her.”

“Okay. Thanks for the info.”

Hudson left the office, deciding that he didn’t want to just wander around, hoping to run into her. He pulled out his phone and called her number.

When she answered, he said, “It’s Hudson.”

“Hey. What’s up?”

“Your assistant said that you were walking around the departments. Do you want some company?”

“Sure. I’m in the reception area.”

“I’ll be there in a minute.”

It didn’t take Hudson long to find her.

“Hi,” Kayleigh said with a smile as he approached where she stood by the front desk.

She was wearing a dark burgundy suit, this time with a skirt that ended just above her knees. He was reminded again of how short she was because he could see that she was wearing high heels, and she was still barely up to his shoulder.

The woman who was in charge of guest services was there with her. Liz’s smile was definitely more flirty than Kayleigh’s.

“What brings you around here?” Liz asked as she took a step closer to him. “Can I help you with something?”

“I appreciate the offer,” Hudson told her, trying to remain professional. “But I’m here to talk to Kayleigh before she leaves.”

“She’s definitely the popular one,” Liz said, and there was an edge to her voice that caught Hudson’s notice.

He thought Kayleigh had indicated at some point that she and Liz were friends, but he supposed there could be jealousy between friends.

“I had some time before I left, so I’m just doing a walk around to make sure everyone is ready for the evening,” Kayleigh said. “Did you want to join me?”