Page 52 of Kayleigh


Kayleigh turned to Liz. “So, everyone is in place for the overnight?”

“Of course.” Liz crossed her arms. “I always make sure we’re covered.”

“I know, but you also said that someone had quit, so I just wanted to make sure you were managing okay with the staff you had.”

“We’re just fine.”

Kayleigh flashed her a smile. “That’s great. Glad to hear it.” Then she turned to Hudson. “We’ll head to the kitchens next.”

After saying goodbye to Liz, they left the front desk. “Are we going to be dealing with moody chefs?”

Kayleigh chuckled. “One is definitely moody, but the other two are a little more mellow. Still moody, but not quite as bad as the French chef.”

“Can I invoke my position in the company in relation to Alexander to avoid their ire?”

“You could always try. But in the interest of full disclosure, Chef Gervais doesn’t cut Alexander any slack, either. He’s gone off on him on more than one occasion.”

“Maybe I’d be safernotmentioning Alexander.”

“That’s probably a good plan. Just let me do the talking unless he asks you a direct question.”

He’d discovered that each of the restaurants had an exterior entrance as well as two entrances from inside the hotel, one for guests and the other for employees. They went through the one for employees since they weren’t planning to eat, then waited near the entrance into the kitchen of the French restaurant.

“It’s best to just wait until the chef notices us,” Kayleigh murmured.

“Does it take long?” Hudson asked, careful to keep his voice low to match Kayleigh’s.

“We’re here ahead of the dinner rush, so it shouldn’t take too long, even though they are busy getting ready for the evening.”

Hudson watched the tableau in front of them. It looked like chaos, but he was quite sure that it was a controlled chaos. Controlled by the older man yelling out instructions from the middle of the room.

When the man’s sharp blue gaze landed on them, Hudson fought the urge to flinch back. Kayleigh lifted a hand and wiggled her fingers. Apparently, she wasn’t cowed by the man’s fierce demeanor.

A couple of minutes later, he stalked over to where they stood. “We’re all fine.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” Kayleigh said. “I just wanted to make sure before I leave.”

The man’s face cracked into a smile, and he gave a small dip of his head. “And I appreciate that.” He turned to Hudson, his smile sliding away. “Is this the gentlemen from New York that people are talking about?”

“Yes,” Kayleigh said, then made the introductions.

“She’s a great manager,” the chef informed Hudson. “So I hope you’re not here to make trouble for her.”

“Not at all,” Hudson assured him. “I’m here to help her figure out who’s causing the problems here at the resort.”

That brought the scowl back. “They messed with my kitchen.”

“So I heard.”

“If I figure out who it is…” The man shook his fist.

“Just leave it to us,” Kayleigh said. “We’ll sort it out.”

“I hope so.”

It wasn’t long before the chef dismissed them with a wave of his hand. After that, Kayleigh led them to the kitchen of one of the other restaurants. The next one was also crazy busy, and the chef there was yelling as well.