Page 61 of Janessa

“You can take the lid off the container and be surprised.”

“Done.” Janessa reached out to take the container Charli handed her. She set it down in front of her, then looked over at Will. “I think these are snickerdoodles.”

Will smiled at her, his blue eyes twinkling with humor. “Well, let’s see.”

She lifted one corner of the lid and peered inside. “Hmmm. This looks like snickerdoodles and…” Removing the lid entirely, she said, “And something chocolate.”

“According to my mom, they’re called crownies.”

“Crownies?” Janessa asked as she reached into the container and lifted one out. “What are those?”

“Apparently a cross between a cookie and a brownie,” Will said. “They’re quite good.”

“I’ve never heard of them.” Janessa took a bite, then nodded. “They areverygood.”

Charli took one and after her first bite, she said, “I’ll need to ask your mom for the recipe.”

“She’s experimented with a couple of new cookie recipes lately, along with making me snickerdoodles. These were successful. The other ones… not so much.”

“Trial and error,” Charli said. “It’s inevitable when trying new recipes.”

“Or, in my case, it’s often error, error, and more error,” Janessa added.

“If I get the recipe, you can make them with me and Layla.”

“Layla probably bakes better than I do.”

“That’s because she sticks to it,” Charli said. “She’s stubborn enough that she wants to keep working until she gets it right.”

Will wondered what it would be like to have her and Peyton in his class a few years down the road. Would he still be in Serenity? He wasn’t planning to leave, but he knew plans could change. Proof of that was that he was no longer dating Daphne when he’d thought they’d be together forever.

Refusing to let himself dwell on what was now firmly in his past, Will pulled out his phone and sent a quick text to his mom to let her know the crownies had been a hit and that Charli wanted the recipe. He knew she’d be thrilled to hear that.

His mom loved cooking and baking for their family, but she also did plenty for people at church, as well as for their neighbors. At Christmas, she always baked a huge assortment of treats to give away.

“Are you going to the gym tonight, Will?” Jay asked.

“I probably should after eating these cookies.”

“True. Misha and I will be going.”

“I did stick my workout bag in the car earlier.”

“How about you, Janessa?”

“Why do you keep asking me? It makes me feel guilty when I say no.”

“Then don’t say no,” Jay told her. “Come with us.”

Will hoped she’d agree to come. Even though he knew Jay and Misha didn’t go to the gym for a date, he still felt like a third wheel at times. If Janessa came along, they could be third wheels together.

“And don’t even think of asking me,” Charli said. “I’m supervising this sleepover.”

“How about you, Kayleigh?” Jay asked.

“I already did my workout this morning at the hotel.”

Janessa pulled the container with Will’s cookies closer, then took two more cookies. “If I’m going to work out, I’m going to make it necessary.”