Page 60 of Janessa

Jay laughed. “I’m shocked.”

They’d been roommates for a brief period of time when they’d returned to Serenity Point after finishing college. Fairly quickly, they’d realized that if they wanted their friendship to survive, they probably shouldn’t live together.

They were opposites in a lot of ways, but the most difficult one was that Jay was very neat, while Will was much more relaxed when it came to keeping things tidy. Every time Jay had to pick up after Will, he’d get annoyed.

Now, they lived in different apartments, so Jay could keep his tidy all the time, and Will could do a major clean up once every few days, and their friendship was preserved.

“It gives me something to do on the weekend,” Will said.

“We’ve got another home game tomorrow. Are any of you guys gonna make it?”

The same people who’d been there the previous week said they’d be there again. Kayleigh had gone to the games fairly regularly when Cole was playing, but Will doubted she’d be there as often, now that he wasn’t part of the team.

“If I don’t have a date, I’ll be there,” Jackson said.

“Guess we’ll see you then,” Wade replied.

Jackson reached over to punch Wade’s shoulder. “You’re mean.”

“And you’re desperate,” Wade told him. “Women don’t go for the scent of desperation.”

“You don’t even date, so I wouldn’t say that you’re a pro on what women like.”

“Okay, you two,” Gareth said with a sigh. “Chill with the insults.”

It always perplexed Will how Gareth had two best friends who were so different. Not that he didn’t understand completely different people becoming friends. It was just that it seemed like they were close friends to Gareth, but not to each other. They appeared to barely tolerate one another for the most part, but maybe Will was missing something.

“Wade started it,” Jackson stated, and he wasn’t wrong.

Will realized then that they were kind of like siblings more than friends. Even though they were the same age, Wade gave off older brother vibes. An annoyed older brother.

“And I’m finishing it,” Gareth said.

“You’re gonna make such a good dad,” Janessa said with a laugh.

“To grown men, anyway,” Gareth muttered.

Will thought Gareth was likely to be a good dad to all ages. He’d always been patient and caring, which was probably why he was also a good doctor.

“Getting back to the original subject,” Jackson said. “I’ll probably be there for the game.”

“What’s up with the new kid and his dad?” Janessa asked. “Is Will going to have to hold me back again, so I don’t go give him a piece of my mind?”

“Coach had him come in for a meeting with us and Donny,” Jay said. “He’s been given a warning. If the dad doesn’t curb his attitude at the games, Donny will end up on the bench.”

“But if you don’t play him, how is that an incentive for the dad to behave?” Will asked.

“I don’t have a problem playing Donny. He does have a talent for the sport. So, as long as he and his dad behave, I’ll give him time in the game.”

Donny had settled down a bit in Will’s class, and he seemed to at least be trying to keep his grade above the percent needed to stay on the team. It would be unfair if his dad’s behavior ended up being the thing that benched him. How the man reacted to the ultimatum would certainly prove how committed he was to his son.

“Who wants dessert?” Charli asked as she got up. “I think we have an assortment of cookies and brownies.”

“Did you bring cookies?” Janessa asked, leaning against Will’s arm for a moment.

“I did.”

“Oooh. Did your mom make gingerbread cookies or snickerdoodles?”