His brows pull together, and I swear I see a brief flash of anger. “It’s a bottle of wine and some takeout.”
But it’s not. To me, it’s so much more. He did it not wanting anything in return, and knowing he was thinking about me enough to do it has my blood running hot and a lump forming in my throat.
“Someday,” he says pulling my lip from the hold of my bite with his thumb. “You’re going to realize just how much you deserve.”
Too soon, he steps away and smiles at me like I’m not melting all the way to my feet. A thumb across my cheek and he walks away.
“Gonna to get Isabel’s car seat and put it in my truck.” He grabs my car keys from the table.
Still bewildered and downright turned on, I say, “I can do that; it can be difficult to install if you’re not used to it.”
“Just relax. I can manage a car seat.”
Ten minutes later and we’re all standing by the car—Missy included—watching Logan fight with the car seat.
I take a step forward. “Just let me…”
He holds up his hand, glancing over his shoulder with sweat on his brow. “I’ve got it.”
Okay then.
Hannah looks up at me. “He doesn’t have it, Mom.”
“I know, sweetie, but it can take a little time for a man like Logan to ask for help.”
Defeated and out of breath, he mutters what I’m sure are curses. I’ve seen him after working out and I can’t remember him breathing this heavy.
“What kind of contraption is this? You know in my day we didn’t even wear a seat belt.”
“In your day? Okay, old man. Out of my way.”
Under Logan’s watchful eye, I get started. He takes in every movement. In less than a minute the seat is secured, and Isabel is climbing into it.
“Witchcraft,” he whispers, hating that it got the better of him. “Next time. I’ll get it next time.”
He puts the girl’s bags in the back and opens the door for Hannah. “In you get, princess.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow. Call me before you go to bed. Love you.”
They both blow me kisses. I pretend to catch them and hold them to my heart.
Logan gawks at me. “You’re not going to run after the car when I leave, are you?”
“No… I don’t know… Maybe.”
He rubs Missy between her ears, but she’s had enough and wanders back into the house.
“You need anything, call me.” He takes a breath. “If you want to talk, call me.”
I know this is about last night. I scared him. I scared myself.
The corners of his mouth tilt upward into the most breath-taking smile. “You get a little hot and bothered reading your books, call me.”
I slap his chest. “Perv.”
“See you tomorrow, pretty girl.”
He winks, climbs in the truck and drives away.