And just like that, they’re gone.


Nothing but the trees bristling in the wind.

With a grin that could split my face in half, I walk back to the house, bouncing up the steps because tonight, I’ve got wine and smut.


A full belly, a bath, half a bottle of wine, and six of the sexiest scenes I’ve ever read later, I’m tipsy and my panties are rightfully wet.

Apparently, choking and being called a “Good girl” turns me on.

I’m feeling bold and pick up my phone from the coffee table. I stare at it for what seems like forever. My skin is clammy with nerves and my heart is pounding.

Missy looks at me from the end of the couch as if to say, “Just do it. Put us all out of our misery.”

Kicking my feet, I unlock the phone and type out my text.

Me:You are buying all my books from now on. Disgustingly filthy doesn’t quite cut it.



My head starts swirling with all my earlier fears.

He’s hot and single. It’s just after ten. He’s probably out or has a woman in his bed.

He could even have her tied to it while he calls her a good girl.

Sweet divine.

I’m halfway to hyperventilating when the bubbles pop up on the screen.

It keeps going.

And nothing.

“Missy,” I whisper, like anyone is listening. “This was a terrible idea.”

The phone vibrates in my hand.

And it keeps vibrating.

He’s calling me.

Not the plan, Logan.

“Missy,” I whisper again. With her head on her paws, she hardly spares me a glance. “What do I do?”

I need to answer it. Of course I do.

“Hello.” I’m still whispering.

“Why are you whispering?”

“I don’t know. Why are you calling me?”