Seven Months Later…
The scream that filled the room would have you believe that someone was being tortured to death. The thing was the only torturing going on was Maya giving birth to our son. Going through this once already, I was prepared for it all. At least I thought I was. Turned out, the second time was just as terrifying as the first, potentially more so because I now knew of all the things that could go wrong. The first time around you have this ignorant bliss going on and you believe everything is going to go perfectly and it’s going to be this sweet and magical moment. And sure, it’s a magical moment, but I wouldn’t exactly call blood curdling screams and my hand almost being crushed to death sweet. It was the miracle of life though, and the baby had to come out one way or the other.
We were both thankful that Maya could give birth naturally. We were worried for a couple of months that our little guy wouldn’t turn into the right position, and she would have to undergo a C-Section. We would if we had to; we weren’t those people that believed a true mother gave birth naturally or so stuck on a birthing plan that there was no wiggle room. We just wanted our son to come into the world healthy; however that happened was perfectly fine with us. Well, as long as he came into the world in the hospital and not at home or in the car on the way.
“You’re doing so good Baby,” I coached as I ran my hand over her hair.
“I fucking hate you so much right now,” she practically growled as she squirmed to get into a more comfortable position. Though, I highly doubted she would find one as she was supposed to be pushing.
“Yeah, but once he’s here you’ll love me again,” I said with an easy smile. I didn’t care what she said to me or to anyone in the room. She could scream, swear, chant a satanic ritual, fuck if I cared. She was in pain, had been gradually for the past two days. She's been stuck in this hospital bed for the last eighteen hours after her water broke doing all of this without any pain medication. I told her to get the epidural, but she didn't like the idea of practically being paralyzed from her waist down. Plus, I had discovered she had an epic fear of needles, and she almost fainted at the sight of what would be used for the epidural. Needless to say, it had been a long labor, and she was entitled to do whatever she needed to get through it.
“Your husband is right. And your son is almost here. I just need a couple more big pushes on the next contraction, and you’ll be done. Five minutes and then you will be pain free,” Dr. Morris said.
“I know you are exhausted, but you can do this Sweetie. Five more minutes, and you will get to hear his cries; I can’t begin to tell you how amazing that sound is. You can do this,” Hellen said from the left side of the bed.
She had also been a huge help over the past two days. The second Maya’s contractions started, she had come over and had spent the past two days with us. She had been a huge help with Zoey as well as Ms. Wilson. Together they had managed to keep Zoey busy long enough that she wasn’t bored as she waited for her new baby brother to be born. Zoey was currently in the waiting room with Ms. Wilson and Lucas. They had only been there for a few hours now as we didn’t want Zoey stuck in a hospital for too long. The hospital staff had enough to deal with; they didn’t need an excited seven-year-old running around for hours on end.
The relationship between Maya and Hellen had been a godsend. I knew Maya had been skeptical and a little gun shy at first, but she had really started to open up more to Hellen. And when Hellen said she was going to move to Rose Falls after that first month, I could see how much it meant to Maya that she would be close by. That she wanted to be there with her and our son. I had managed to also find a nice apartment for Ms. Wilson to live in and even Lucas had moved down. Turned out he fell in love with the town and wanted to be close by to his two godchildren. He had taken the Sheriff’s position in town and despite a bit of a learning curve with having to follow State Laws and getting used to having nothing to do all day, he was starting to enjoy it. He got himself a house that he has been working on fixing up.
We had managed to get our own house finished and ready with a massive help from Hellen. Her and Maya were remarkable at renovations, and I knew that once Maya recovered more and ready to go back to work, she was going to be working on various houses within town to get them ready to be rented or purchased. The town itself was a work in progress still, but we were making that progress.
Within the past seven months we had an increase in business owners by five hundred. It had been a gradual increase to make sure the town could handle the influx in businesses and new homeowners. We had been able to get new townspeople from other cities nearby that wanted to live in an up-and-coming small town. I didn’t want the town to grow to the point where it lost its small-town charm, but I also had to make sure it could sustain itself for many generations to come. It was a balancing act that both Maya and I were trying to handle.
Maya gave a scream, and I knew she had another contraction. I held her up as she started to push. I could see the exhaustion all over her face, but I knew she would get through this. I knew that once our son was born, all this pain and exhaustion would be worth it. She would feel rejuvenated by the pure joy at being able to hold him. We just needed to get to that point.
“You got this Baby. Keep pushing,” I coached as she squeezed the life out of my hand.
“That’s it. I see his head. Keep pushing, keep pushing,” Dr. Morris said.
Those words brought a burst of energy to Maya, and she continued to push with every ounce of strength in her. It was only a minute or so later when the room was filled with the beautiful sound of our son’s cries. It was the sweetest sound in the world, and I knew I would never forget it, just like I still remember perfectly the sound of Zoey’s first cry.
“You did it, Baby. You did it,” I said as I pressed a kiss to her forehead.
She was crying, but I expected as much. All her endorphins were being released and the only way her body would be able to handle it was with tears. They were tears of pure joy though and massive relief.
“You wanna cut the cord Dad?” Dr. Morris asked.
“Absolutely,” I said as I moved and took the medical scissors from him.
I knew I had to press hard on them from Zoey. The last time I did this, it had taken a couple of tries to cut the cord. It was more gummy than one would expect. I cut the cord, and Dr. Morris took him over to the exam incubator to make sure he was healthy and to get his weight.
“He’s okay right?” Maya asked.
“He’s perfect Sweetie. They just need to get his weight and his footprints and listen to his lungs. It’s very standard, and in a minute he will be curled up in your arms,” Hellen said, soothing her right away.
“She’s right. They took Zoey away right away too. They just have to take care of you and him first,” I added as the nurse went to work on making sure Maya was okay after giving birth, and I knew there would be a couple of stitches that she would have to go through. Giving birth wasn’t what it was like in the movies. There was a lot more to it for the woman after the baby was born.
After a few minutes the nurse moved back, and Dr. Morris returned to us with our son wrapped up in a receiving blanket. He was still crying, but I knew once he was being held by Maya he would be happy.
“Here you go Mommy,” Dr. Morris said as he gently handed over our son and Maya carefully took him. I could see she was worried about hurting him, but she had experience with infants from the foster care. I knew it wouldn’t take her long before she got into the swing of things. And she wouldn’t be the only one. I had to relearn how to do all this as well myself.
“Oh, he’s beautiful,” Hellen said with pure love in her voice.
“He’s perfect,” Maya said with a teary smile.
“You did really good Baby.” I couldn’t believe how adorable he was. I never thought I would want to do this again, but seeing him, it made me want to do this a dozen more times.
“He’s completely healthy. He’s nineteen inches and six pounds four ounces,” Dr. Morris said.