He widened his eyes.
“You.” I reached out my power and touched his heart. There the organ easily came into my grasp and pulsed against my magic.
The guard looked down at his chest. “W-what are y-you doing?”
My veins lit up with energy, tingling and sparking through my body like electricity. I gasped as a wave of power surged within my body, filling me with an intense euphoria. “Were you like your friends—the other sick royal guards?”
“W-who?” The guard continued to stare at his chest. “W-what?”
Camille stepped further to the side. “Don’t do this, Seraphine. This guard is fighting on our side.”
“I do not have a side, Camille. I stand alone.” My vision brightened, telling me that my eyes were glowing. “Mr. . .Guard. . .did you like to touch little girls too?”
“N-no.” The guard’s voice wavered as I tightened my grip on his heart. “I-I never d-did anything b-bad to prisoners—”
“I don’t believe you.” As I curled my fingers into a fist, I squeezed his heart with my magic.
“Ahh!!” He cried out in pain and shook violently, grabbing at his chest.
“S-seraphine. . .” Camille whispered, “Please, stop.”
Squeezing his heart harder, I spoke, “Please stop. Two words that I used to say to the guards over and over.”
This sick guard staggered backward and slammed into the wall. His face contorted with searing pain. His eyes bulged out of their sockets and sweat cascaded down his face in an unstoppable stream.
I formed my lips into a smile, and kept on squeezing his heart.
His chest heaved as raw sobs escaped his lungs and he fought to remain standing. Blood spilled out of his eyes like tears.
Remember what Reye said. . .don’t enjoy this part too much. . .
I wiped away the smile.
Leeta yanked Camille behind her and held the knife up. “Seraphine, if you are going to leave, then do it, but there is no need to kill him.”
My body buzzed. “What’s done is done.”
The guard crashed to the ground. More blood spilled out of his mouth as he continued to die.
Then and only then, did I release my grip on his heart.
Exhaustion came over me, but I remained standing and turned to Camille. “I wish I had your power.”
“My power?” Camille’s bottom lip quivered. “What power is that?”
“The power of hope in the face of darkness.” I walked past her, Leeta, and the remaining guard. “Unfortunately, hope left me long ago.”
Camille called after me. “There may be no place to escape, Seraphine. The Quiet King is here. I am sure he has the entire mage territories’ borders surrounded.”
Fear sliced through me.
Don’t listen to her. She’s just lying to keep me here. I must go.
Chapter 3
The Benefits of Strangers
Camille had told the truth.
A horse stood outside of the hut, lapping up the last bits of water in his huge gourd. Three leather bags of supplies lay next to it.
Yes. I can go.
I hurried to the bags.
The few vampire guards near the hut, backed up and stayed clear of me.
Good. Don’t even think about it.
I kneeled and opened the first bag.
The leather smoothed against my fingers.
The first thing I reached for was a thick, woolen blanket, rolled tightly to conserve space. Its dark grey fibers were coarse under my fingertips. However, it would be a comfort against the chill of the night as well as a barrier between the cold, hard ground.
Next was a small, compact tent, its canvas compacted into a size so small, it was almost unbelievable. Despite its size, it looked sturdy and reliable.
Not bad, blood queen.
A bit of guilt tugged at my heart, but I wouldn’t let myself think about it too much.
I checked the next bag and pulled out a canteen. Its metal was cool to the touch. Fresh water sloshed inside. It had been filled to the brim.
Further in the bag, my food supplies consisted of dried apples, apricots, and figs, along with tons of bags full of almonds, walnuts, and hazelnuts. I found two large loaves of bread wrapped in cloth with thick slabs of cheese and butter between them.
This will keep me fed for a week.
I checked the final bag and discovered small pouches of money. I would be able to get more food and supplies if I needed them.
Then, I spotted other things that were beyond the purpose of survival.
A leather book lay next to the pouches of money. I opened it and only saw blank pages. Three feathered pens and bottles of ink were next to it.
A journal? Why? I only need to survive.
Next, there were four books under the journal and pens. Each cover had a breathtaking couple painted on them.
“Hmmm.” I grabbed and lifted them out of the bag. “Could this help?”
I guess. . .I would be bored for a while when I made camp during the day. It would be nice to read something and keep myself entertained.