I browsed the first cover and said the title out loud, “Charmed by Night’s Kiss.”

What sort of book is this?

On the cover, a woman—that looked to be an air mage—wore this vibrant blue robe covered in glowing runes. A vampire hugged her from behind. His fangs glistened under the two moons’ light. Lust decorated his face. He appeared ready to tear her clothes off.

“O-kay. I’m not sure if this is what I need to read by the fire.” I checked the next book and read the title, “Twilight Bites.”

On this cover, a vampire bit the top of a woman’s breast as she moaned in pleasure.

Oh my.

I blushed.

Maybe. . .I could read a little bit of this, but only if I am truly bored.

Embarrassed, I hurriedly, put that book back in the bag, and read the other title, “Eternal Embrace.”

The book’s cover showed a suave vampire and a radiant mage. They were both dressed in elaborate attire as they danced in a ball room. No one else was around them, and they looked very happy to be alone.

A masculine voice sounded behind me. “Are you pleased?”

Caught off guard, I dropped the book and turned to the speaker.

Oh no.

One of Camille’s kings towered over me.

Terror gripped my heart.

Fast, I raised my hands, getting ready to attack.

“No.” His body remained still, while his face held a stern expression. “That will not be necessary. I did not come to fight you.”

I kept my hands where they were and studied him.

Unfortunatly, this king was a sight to behold, a vision of power and allure. His short golden hair—the color of sunlit wheat—outlined his chiseled face. Those strands provided a stark contrast to his moon-pale skin.

His physique was imposing too, every curve and contour enhanced his intimidating presence. Cords of muscle wound around his arms and took up his chest.

He wore a leather shirt and pants that didn’t hide his imposing physique at all, instead the clothes accentuated it.

My heart raced, but not because I was scared.

And, it was his copper eyes that held the most intrigue. His was a gaze that was mesmerizing and intimidating, drawing me to him.

I swallowed.

The depths of his gaze was like an endless labyrinth, each turn revealing a different facet of his probably century-old existence.

And he had to have been old.

His blood vibrated with great power, buzzing so loud I didn’t even need to reach out to analyze it.

Stop looking at his face.

I stepped back and moved my view to his muscular chest. “What do you want?”

“My name is Ian.”

“I didn’t ask what your name was, I asked what you wanted from me.”

“I’m gathering that you are not a big conversationalist?”

“Not with people I do not know.”

“That is the point of conversation—to get to know a person.”

“I don’t want to know you.”

“Still, a conversation with a stranger holds many benefits—”

“I don’t care.”

“Improves social skills.”

“What?” I lifted my view to his face, and almost regretted it.

Dear Ambi. He is not bad on the eyes. I see why Camille couldn’t pick one from the two.

Surely, he knew the effect he was having on me as he winked. “Talking to a stranger improves social skills.”

“Please, leave so I can go.”

“Expands perspective.”

Confused, I shook my head. “What?”

“Expands perspective is another one.”

“Another what?”

“I’m still giving you the benefits of talking to a stranger. Another one is to expand your perspective. You see, strangers can offer fresh perspectives and insights that you might not have ever considered before.”

“I’m not interested in perspective. I just want to get out of here before the war begins.”

“And then there is creating unexpected opportunities.”

I rolled my eyes. “Is this another benefit to talking to a stranger?”

“Why yes, Seraphine. It is. I am glad you asked—”

“I didn’t—”

“Still, you never know who you might meet when you strike up a conversation with a stranger. They might be able to provide you with valuable advice or connect you with an opportunity that could save your life.”

“I’m not interested.”

“Join us in the fight.”


“My brother has already arrived with his army. Mage territory is surrounded. Help us kill him.”

I shivered. “Y-you’re the Quiet King’s brother?”

“I am.” Ian gave me a half bow. “Please do not judge me because of it.”

“You are going to help kill your own brother?”

He leaned his head to the side. “You don’t think I have a few reasons to rid the world of him?”

I cleared my throat. “It is not any of my business. . .so. . .have a good night. I am leaving.”

“You never answered my question.”

“What question?”

“Are you pleased with all the supplies? I was the one that packed the items.”

Him? Really?

“Umm. . .Thank you.” Then, I realized something. “Hold on. You put the journal and romance novels in there?”

“I did. I perused a few scenes to see if the books would be good. By the way, fair warning, there will be some steamy moments in each novel.” He tilted his head to the side. “Do you enjoy steamy moments?”