“Good night, Brad,” she said, closing her eyes.

I blew out a tight breath, digging up all the willpower in the world to lock down my emotions. “Good night, Luna.”

Who was I kidding? This was going to be an impossible two weeks.



Warmth surrounded me, lapping against my body like a calm island tide. I was in that wonderful space between sleeping and waking, my senses sluggish as they tried to pull me to the surface.

After a few seconds, I realized I wasn’t on my pillow, but something warm, muscled, and moving up and down in a peaceful rhythm that was beyond relaxing. The smell of sage and mandarin swirled around me, making my heart flutter. I shifted against the warmth, noting my leg was hiked over something that my brain finally registered as someone.

Instinct had me drawing closer, my blood spiking with a shot of heat when I felt strong arms holding me tight. I’d never felt more safe or more exhilarated, my adrenaline rising as I tilted my head, desperately searching for a kiss I needed more than my next breath.

A powerful hand slid down my back, cupping my ass and squeezing. A thrill shot straight through the middle of me, the sensation waking up every aching portion of my body—

And my mind.

My eyes popped open, and I gasped, jolting at the very tangled state I was in with Brad.

Brad. My best friend. Not someone I’m supposed to be basically dry humping in the middle of the night!

Omigod, kill me now.

Brad’s eyes opened as I jolted against him, and it took a few seconds before he realized our position. He released me, hands flying in the air like I’d been hot to the touch.

I scrambled off the bed, chest heaving and mortification washing all over me.

“I’m sorry!” I blurted, unable to not look at him lying in the bed, covers thrown off of him, his half-naked body on full display. Jesus, who looked like that? All carved muscles, tousled hair, and blue-gray eyes that were just this side of molten.

“It’s okay,” Brad said, his voice calm and reassuring when mine was borderline shaky.

“It’s not okay, I was basically force-cuddling you!”

He laughed. The man actually laughed.

“This is so not funny!”

Brad smirked, a purely confident smile as he tucked one muscled arm behind his head, settling back against the pillows. “I mean, I am pretty awesome to cuddle with,” he said. “It’s not your fault you couldn’t resist me.”

I shook my head at him, rolling my eyes.

“I can resist you,” I said, totally determined to make myself believe that. My sleep-induced-self had been ready to climb on top of him and kiss him until I couldn’t see straight.

Was it going to be like that every night? Or was this just a fluke? God, maybe I should sleep on the sofa.

“Luna,” Brad said, his supportive, sexy tone wrapping all around my name in a way I’d never noticed before.

Had he always said my name like that? Had I just not noticed? Or was my body reacting to him in this way because of my horrific breakup? Shit, I needed to get a grip.

“I need to get ready for the breakfast,” I said, not able to look at him lying there half-naked for one more second.

I grabbed my clothes for the day and my phone and speed-walked into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind me. I hurried to my group text, sending out an S.O.S.

Me: I just woke up with my legs wrapped around Brad.

Zoe: Holy shit.

Lyla: Brad, Brad?

Anne: That’s so hot!

I laughed at their different responses, furiously typing on my phone. They all knew that this trip was a fake situation built to help Brad get more time with the owners of the company, so it was nice having a crew to talk to during my panic.

Me: I didn’t mean for it to happen. But there’s only one bed.

Lyla: One bed! Just like a romance novel.

Anne: Did you kiss him yet?

Zoe: Have you two discussed boundaries and terms?

Leave it to my psychologist best friend to ask about boundaries.

Me: We practiced a kiss once. And no boundaries.

Anne: How was it?

Lyla: Was it a good kiss?

Zoe: You kissed him and didn’t tell me?!

Their messages came in at the same time, and I blew out a breath.

Me: It all happened so fast.

Lyla: And it’s still a fake thing?

Anne: It doesn’t sound fake.

Zoe: You need to set up boundaries.

Me: It is fake. For sure. This is all to help him. I just accidentally cuddled my best friend while asleep. It’s not a big deal. Right?

I needed them to tell me it wasn’t, needed them to help shake some sense into me. Because the last thing I needed right now was to be having feelings for one of my oldest friends, let alone anyone. I’d just had my heart broken by the only man I’d ever been with, which meant I was in no place for a relationship. Not that Brad even thought of me in that way.