“She’s been with you since the beginning,” I said, referring to her single employee. “She’d never let you down.”
“It has nothing to do with her,” she said. “You know how I am.”
“Perfectionist all the way,” I said. “It’s okay to let other people help you sometimes. That’s what all the greats do.”
She laughed at that. “I never said I was a great business person.”
“But you are,” I said. “Don’t you see that? Luna, your shop is one of the best-selling boutiques in Sweet Water. Hell, people from Charleston drive down all the time just to buy your clothes. Imagine what would happen if you actually advertised your line?”
Her eyes flared with a combination of excitement and hesitation. “What if I do that and nothing sells? What if I spend all the resources to push it out on a wider scale and it fails?”
I shrugged. “What if it blows up? You’re so focused on what could go wrong, you aren’t even considering what could go right.”
“And you want to help me,” she said.
“You know I do.” I’d begged her to let me back her clothing line for years, ever since she started making repeat pieces for her store. “I know how your parents are with the control over your fund,” I continued. We’d never seen eye-to-eye on the way they dictated Luna’s spending, but she’d carved out a wealthy life for herself on her own. “I would love to help you in any way I can. Contacts, investment, whatever you need.”
She stared up at me, her eyes a little wonderous looking, almost as if she was allowing herself to envision this dream for the first time.
“When you put it that way…” She took another sip of her drink. “I’m in.”
“Yes,” she said.
I scooped her into my arms, spinning her from the excitement coursing through me. She laughed when I set her on her feet.
“And if it fails—”
“It won’t,” I cut her off.
“If it fails,” she continued without acknowledging me. “I’ll pay you back. Somehow. I’ll find a way. I owe you—”
“Nothing,” I said, and grabbed two more champagne flutes from a passing waiter.
We clinked our glasses together, toasting to the new venture. This trip had already proven a success, and now all we had to do was enjoy it.
Three hours later, we settled back in our room. Luna came out of the bathroom in a pair of white cotton shorts and a purple T-shirt. Her hair was relaxed now, her makeup long gone.
Damn, the woman looked radiant even in her pajamas.
“Such a fun night,” she said as she stopped at the foot of the bed. I was already on one side, leaning against the headboard while I’d finished responding to a few emails. “I’ll be dreaming about those strawberries for weeks.”
I grinned at her, setting my phone on the charger on the little table next to the bed.
“Speaking of dreaming,” she said, pointing to the mattress. “One bed?”
“It’s what they gave me when I checked in,” I said. “I didn’t realize until we got up here. I can sleep on the couch if you want.” I motioned to the small sofa across the room.
She shook her head, rounding the bed and climbing in on her side. “I’m okay with it as long as you are,” she said, sliding beneath the covers. “It’s not like we haven’t slept together before.” Her eyes flared as the words caught up with her mind, and she laughed. “I mean, sleep…you know what I mean.”
“I do, but it’s cute when you get flustered, so keep going.”
She playfully batted my chest, and I shifted to my side so I could face her. She mimicked my movement, tucking one arm beneath the pillow.
“Do you usually sleep in sweats and a T-shirt?” she asked, the question giving me a little whiplash.
“No,” I admitted.
“You don’t have to wear armor on my account,” she teased. “I promise not to maul you in your sleep. I want you to be comfortable.”
My lips parted open, but I just laughed and shook my head. “Okay then,” I said, gathering my shirt with one hand and pulling it over my head. I shucked my sweats next, leaving me in what I normally slept in—my boxer briefs.
Luna’s eyes widened, and her gaze turned deliberate as she took in my appearance, and when they lingered on my abs, I did a silent victory dance. I’d always tried to make time to stay active and in shape, but the look she gave me? Worth every single drop of daily sweat.
I shifted, turning off the light before laying to face her again. She was so close, with only a small space separating us. All I had to do was reach across the bed and pull her to me, slant my mouth over hers and claim it like I wanted to every other inch of her body. Tension twisted inside me, my body and heart warring with what it needed verses what it wanted.