“When are you going to set a wedding date and finally marry Scott?”
“We are getting married in six months,” she says with a huge smile.
“EEEKKK, finally. I’m so happy for you both,” I say excitedly, clapping my hands.
“Will you help us with the planning and decorating?”
“By us, I would assume you mean all the other wives, including Alisa?”
“Of course you can count on me to help with whatever you all need, contingent on my work schedule, of course.”
“YAY!!! Thank you so much. Does this mean you’ll be working at the firehouse here?”
“Yes, ma’am. I transferred up here.”
“That is so exciting. Here is your coffee, on the house. Welcome home, Samantha.”
“Thanks Brianne,” I say with a smile and take the coffee.
I walk out of the cafe and back toward my car. I pull my phone out and send a text to Connor, letting him know I made it, then I call Alisa.
“Hey, sis, where are you?”
“I’m currently standing outside Cafe Brew,” I say with a chuckle.
“You made it?”
“I did. I’m home,” I say with a sigh of contentment at that statement.
“Oh my God, I’m so happy you are finally home.”
“Me too, sis. I’m going to head to the house and start unpacking my car.”
“Do you want me to bring you some dinner or would you like to have dinner with Matt and me?” Alisa asks.
Just then, a text comes through from Connor, “hold on a second,” I tell her so I can see what he replied.
I’ll come over after my shift and bring pizza.
I send a quick reply back.
“No, I think I’m just going to order pizza, unpack, maybe soak in a hot bath, and call it an early evening.”
“Oh, okay. I’m sure you are probably tired from the drive.”
“Yeah, but let’s get together for dinner tomorrow night, okay?” I ask.
“That’s perfect. I’ll let Matt know, and I’ll call you tomorrow. Get some rest, Sam, and I’m so happy you are home.”
“Thanks, Lis. I’m happy to be home, too,” I reply with a smile that she can’t see.
I get in the car, drive over to the house, and quickly unpack it. I decide to soak in a hot bubble bath while I wait for Conner to come over. My body is already humming in anticipation of seeing him.