Page 20 of Saving Sam

My phone dings with an incoming message.

I’ll be waiting.

I look at the clock and see I have two hours left, before I can leave. I’ll call in the pizza order twenty-minutes before I leave, so it will be ready when I get there to pick it up.

I can’t believe she’s finally back in town. It feels like these last thirty days have gone by so slow, I thought she would never get here.

A knock on my door pulls me from my thoughts, “Come in,” I bellow out.

“Chief, I got Probie Strahn moved over to Truck, when will the new firefighter be here for Engine?” Lieutenant Clark asks.


“Sounds good, Chief,” he says before closing the door to my office.

I look over at the clock, willing time to move faster, needing it to speed up. I grab a file from my pile and begin reading the reports, hoping it will help.

Finally, I am able to call in the pizza order, finish up the last few items in my email, then head out to the bay where the firefighters are all currently waiting for the next shift to come in.

I walk into the Pizza Ria to pick up my order, and as I open the door, a female with a box of pizza is at the door, when she turns, I see Carly.

“Hey, Chief, how’s it going? Just getting off shift?”

“Hi, Carly. Yeah, it’s been a long day. How are you?”

“I’m doing good. We should get together and catch up, it’s been a while,” she says, batting her eyes at me.

We briefly had a fling three years ago, but it was never anything serious.

“Enjoy your evening, Carly,” I tell her as I allow her to walk out so I can walk in.

“You too, Chief,” she says, walking away, swaying her hips more than necessary.

I grab the pizza and make my way to Samantha’s place. When I get there, I knock on the door and wait for her to answer. When there is no answer, I knock again and try the door.

The door is unlocked, so I walk in calling her name. I place the pizza on the counter in the kitchen and go search for her. I find her on the bed in a robe, fast asleep.

I should have anticipated she would be exhausted from traveling the last two days. I knew she was up early this morning, wanting to miss as much traffic as possible.

I grab a blanket from the end of the bed and cover her up. Taking off my shoes, I slide into the bed beside her, pulling her into my arms and breathing in her scent. Having her here in my arms calms me, she calms me in a way that no one else has ever done. I close my eyes and listen to her even breathing, while I hold her close.

At some point, I fall sleep, not sure when, but when I wake up, Sam is no longer in the bed. I get up, going in search of my woman.

I find her in the kitchen, eating pizza. “Did you save me any?” I ask, wrapping my arms around her waist, causing her to jump. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” I chuckle.

“Hey. Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep, but then I woke up hungry, and I didn’t want to wake you,” she says, leaning back into me.

I kiss the side of her head. “It’s fine, baby girl, I knew you were exhausted, so I didn’t want to wake you,” I tell her, leaning over to open the pizza box and grab a slice, noting Sam has already eaten two and is currently working on slice three.

“Alisa wants me to get together with her and Matt for dinner tomorrow, I’d like for you to come with me,” she says before taking another bite of her pizza.

“Are you sure you are ready for her to know about us?” I ask, concerned she may be doing this for me instead of for her. “You know I am perfectly fine with going at your pace and following your lead.”

“I know you are, and yes, I want Alisa to know about us, I don’t want to keep this from her.”

“Then yes, I would love to go with you and tell her about us. I would be happy telling the world about us, but I know you are not ready for that yet.”

“Thank you for being so understanding,” she says, placing her pizza on the island and turning around, wrapping her arms around me, and laying her head on my chest.