Maybe that was just what I was thinking about anyway, as I nodded and licked my suddenly dry lips. “Yeah, sure.”
“Hudson already picked a movie, too.” Axel laughed at my expression. “Yeah, it’s horror.”
I flopped down on the bed, remembering belatedly that I didn’t have on shorts or pants. I made sure my shirt was covering my butt as I laid on my stomach facing the TV. “Nightmare fuel it is.”
Hudsonstretchedoutonhis stomach next to me and lifted a wet strand of my hair. “You smell like candy.”
I rolled my eyes. “Like watermelon gummies?”
His eyes widened and he reached out to grab a bag hanging from the corner of his dresser. When he plopped it down in front of me, his grin was proud. “Thank me in whatever way you find appropriate.”
I looked inside and saw multiple large bags of my favorite candy. I squealed his name and wrapped my arms around his neck in a tight hug. Without thinking twice about what I was doing, I pressed a kiss to his mouth and then tapped his nose. “You’re the best. I forgive you for eating all of the last ones now. I’ll even share some of these with you.”
He stared at me even after I went back to my own space and tore into a bag. He looked over his shoulder at Axel and Ryder who’d positioned themselves at the head of the bed. “Okay, then.”
My cheeks were on fire with the knowledge of what I’d just done so casually. I could feel all of them staring at me, but I wasn’t ready to talk about it. I stared straight ahead at the TV and spoke around a mouth full of candy. “Someone start the movie, please.”
Ryder’s deep laugh came seconds before his hand landed on my calf. “Don’t choke, Kitten. If you do, we both know these idiots won’t know how to help you.”
I cut my eyes at Axel. “You talk too much.”
He laughed out loud and nodded. “Lights out?”
I saw the guys nod and shrugged. “That’s fine. Will you get me a blanket first, though? It’s cold.”
Ryder rubbed my calf, warming it, and grunted. “I can’t imagine why you’d be cold.”
Axel settled a blanket over me and flipped the lights out before settling back in bed. He rested his hand on my other calf, under the blanket, and squeezed. “Would you want to share some of that candy, Kitten?”
I sighed and stretched my hand back to give him some. “If you want some, maybe guilt Hud into buying you your own next time.”
The movie started and I quickly abandoned my candy when things immediately got scary. It didn’t take long for me to cling to Hudson’s arm and do my best to hide from the TV. He wrapped himself around me without complaining and rested his chin on top of my head. I didn’t know how he could be comfortable, but when another jumpscare happened and I screamed, I decided I didn’t care if he was comfortable or not.
Ryder sat forward and shifted his hand to my thigh. “You okay?”
I groaned. “Hudson clearly hates me.”
“I think you should punish him by making him cuddle himself. You should come here.” Patting my thigh, Ryder laughed when Hudson swore at him. “Your plan is backfiring, huh?”
I shifted to look up at Hudson. “Did you plan this?”
In the blue glow from the TV, I saw his grin. “No?”
My frown was weak at best, but when he leaned forward and kissed me, it faded completely. I let out a breathy sigh into his mouth as he deepened the kiss and stroked his tongue over mine. I curled into him tighter, but I didn’t like when Ryder’s hand left my thigh.
It seemed like I made a sound or movement to replay my displeasure because Ryder chuckled. “Don’t worry, Jenny. I’m not done touching you.”
Hudson kissed across my jaw and focused his mouth just under my ear. When I moaned, the three answering groans filled me with fire and awareness. The awareness was enough to snap me out of my desire fueled haze, unfortunately. I sucked in a sharp breath and jerked away from them.
“Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Um. Just give me a minute.” I scrambled out of the bed and stood with my back to the door. “What’s happening?”
Hudson swore quietly. “I’m sorry, Jenny. I shouldn’t have done that. I just-”
It didn’t feel right to hear him apologizing. “No, it’s not your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
Ryder grunted. “Shit. Was I the problem?”