“If I get Axel’s Grandma to make you a shirt like this with my name on the back, will you wear it daily?” I rested one elbow on the table and the other on the booth behind her so I filled her vision. I wanted her focus all to myself for a moment. “Or at least nightly?”

Her cheeks turned red but she leaned in, even resting her hands on my thigh. “It would be rude to not appreciate Gran’s work.”

Axel growled from behind her and I saw his arm wrap around her waist. “I refuse to have Gran’s handiwork put to use for anyone other than me.”

I held Jenny’s gaze as I leaned in and pressed my mouth against her ear. Lowering my voice so only she’d hear, I let the adrenaline of the night lead me. “Honestly, I’d prefer you wearing nothing, anyway.”

Her fingers tightened on my thigh, but Ryder interrupted us.

“We should go. Just a quiet fucking reminder, Jason is still in here somewhere.” He glared at both me and Axel before he turned his attention to Jenny. “Do you need anything before we go?”

She stared back at him for a few seconds before frowning and shocking the shit out of all of us by sliding under the table. There was a moment when we all went rigid as we waited to see if she was going to touch one of us, but then she popped out on the other side of the table and put her hands on her hips while looking down her nose at Ry. “Nope.”

He reached out to grab her hand but she was already strutting across Jackie’s like she had places to be. “Sonofabitch.”

The three of us piled out of the booth and rushed after her, but we were stopped over and over again by friends and fans just wanting to congratulate us. Ryder, as the known asshole, just brushed past everyone and got outside first. It took me and Axel a few more seconds and by the time we did catch up to Ryder, he was glaring down at Jenny with a darker than normal scowl on his face.

Jenny, on the other hand, looked downright giddy. She stood with her arms crossed under her chest, pressing her tits up and nearly out of the tight jersey she wore, and the fire in her eyes made me think she might be able to kick our asses if pushed to that place.

“Come here.” Ryder’s voice was a growl of impatience.

She didn’t give a fuck, it was clear. She rolled her eyes and shook her head. “If you want me, you can come and get me. I don’t need to take orders from you, Ryder. You made that more than clear.”

Axel stood next to me, his curiosity as strong as mine. He shot me a glance and shrugged. “Think this is foreplay?”

Judging by the stiffness in Ryder’s shoulders, I wasn’t sure.

“Fucking hell, Jenny. You’re being a brat.” Ryder stomped up to her and Axel and I both leaned over so we could see what would happen next. “We’re going home and you’re going to keep your shit together on the walk there.”

She swayed her hips to the music playing from someone’s truck. “Only if you give me a piggyback ride.”

Axel snorted. We both knew Ryder would never. He was as serious as they came. He might let loose with us sometimes, but in public? Where other people could see him? No fucking way.

He stood there for a few seconds longer and then squatted in front of her. “Get the fuck on.”

Jenny cheered and climbed onto his back like she’d been waiting to do it for years. She easily wrapped her limbs around his neck and waist before resting her chin on his shoulder. “Thanks, Ryder. This is great. Now, can I tell you how impressed I was with how you played today? I didn’t know anything, but Gran told me that you’ve got an arm like a Manning. She knows all your stats. I think she’s got a crush.”

Ryder reached back and locked his arms together under Jenny so she was safe before glaring at Axel and I like we’d somehow made him carry her. He shook his head and growled. “Not a fucking word.”

“You’re all so good. I didn’t know that football could be hot before today. Gran told me that, too.” Jenny giggled and looked back at Axel. “Gran’s super horny for a woman her age, Axel.”

I choked on my laughter as I watched Axel’s face pale. I even heard Ryder laughing as he marched towards home. Axel was the only one of us not laughing and that was mostly because he was trying not to gag.


“Jenny.” Ryder’s warning was wasted on Jenny as she reached around and tapped his nose again. “Jenny, I swear to god.”


Iwavedatpeoplestaring at us in shock when we walked past them. I wasn’t entirely sure what the big deal was, but I figured being nice was a good response. Until we got closer to the house and Ryder grumbled at me, anyway.

“Stop flagging everyone down, Jenny. Jesus. You’re lucky we don’t have a trail of people following us.”

I glanced back and grinned at Axel and Hudson. “Oh. Oh, no. So, you don’t want me to mention all the people coming with us to the house?”

He growled. “You’re a fucking menace.”

I rested my cheek on his shoulder and looked up at his profile. “Are you sorry for being so mean the other day?”