“Um. What’s happening?”

“You snuck into my bed and fell asleep. Now it’s time for me to go to sleep. The party isn’t over, but if you want to see if your room is free, you can.” I knew I didn’t want her to leave.

“Can I stay with you?” Her voice was so quiet that I almost missed it.

“Yeah, Jenny. If you snore, I’m kicking you out, though.” Lies.

She let out a breath and reached over to pat my chest. Her hand froze on my bare skin. “Um, Ryder?”

I sighed. “What, Jenny?”

“Are you naked?”

“No, I’m not. Now go to sleep.” I already knew she had more comments and questions. There was an energy around her that just screamed that she wasn’t finished yet.

“So, just go to sleep? Sounds easy. I’ll justgo to sleep.” She moved around under the covers and kicked me. “Sorry. Sorry. Are you sure you aren’t naked?”

“Pretty sure.”

“Cool. That’s cool. Okay, I’m going to sleep now.” She wasn’t. “It’s just that I’ve only slept next to one other person as an adult and it was a secret so I was never very comfortable. Now that I think of it, I’m not sure I ever slept at his house. I was always worried the cops were going to break in. Which makes no sense. But I think I just pretended to sleep. I don’t think I know how to sleep with another person. In the bed, I mean.”

I rolled over to face her. “Who was this asshole, Jenny?”

She got quiet. “You know I can’t tell you.”

“I know youwon’ttell me. There’s a difference.”

“It doesn’t matter anyway. I was an idiot. It’s over now and I’m fine. I’m not going to dwell on him.” She threw her hands out. “I’m just angry that I can’t get comfortable. That’s all.”

I couldn’t take it anymore. When she started rolling around again, I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her into me. Her ass nestled against my dick perfectly and her head rested on my arm when I stretched it out. I rested my chin on top of her head and sighed. “This helps some people. It’s a pressure thing.”

She pressed into me harder and made a sound that was too close to a moan. “Yeah, I can get that.”

I just about swallowed my tongue, but I had too much to lose if I got distracted. “Go to bed, Jenny.”

“Thank you, Ryder.” She gently squeezed my arm that was still wrapped around her. “I promise I don’t snore, but if I do, I didn’t. Get me?”

I smiled into her hair and grunted. “Got it.”


Iwokeupfroma dead sleep to the feeling of a pole poking me in the butt. I grunted unhappily and reached back to move whatever it was. About two seconds after I had my hand wrapped around it, my eyes flew open and I jerked my hand back.

Ryder swore from behind me and grumbled. “Jesus, Jenny. Just let me move it.”

My eyes widened as I listened to his sleep-laiden voice tell me he was just going tomovehis dick. I held my breath as I felt him shift back and a second later, that pole was pressed between my thighs and he was tugging me into his chest tighter. I swallowed audibly. “Ryder?”

He grumbled again and one giant hand moved lower to cup the front of my sex in what had to be the most possessive hold I’d ever felt. I gasped at the feeling and squeezed my eyes shut. Holy crap. I looked down at his hand and nearly came at the sight of his hand holding me like that. The veins in his forearm stood out as his hand tightened.

An involuntary moan filled the room and it was like a bomb had gone off. I stiffened as Ryder thrust his hips into me once and then froze. I felt the blanket lift and then heard him swear in a voice I’d never heard from him. He sounded like he was in pain.

“Fuck.Fuck.” He slowly pried his fingers away from me but when he hesitated to remove his hand completely, I lost my mind.

I reached down and pressed his hand back over me. I bit my lip hard and waited. I thought Ryder hated me, so I was waiting for him to shove me out of his bed any minute.

Ryder’s growl sent a spark straight to my core and I rolled my hips. He pressed into my back and I felt the sting of his teeth on my shoulder. “Goddammit, Jenny. I didn’t mean-”

“If you’re going to tell me you don’t want me or you didn’t know it was me and now you want to run away, just shut up. Pull your dick from between my thighs and I’ll go.” My voice shook with a dangerous mix of anger and desire. I was tired of him being rude to me. Especially when he had the potential to make me feel so good.