He growled next to my ear and then let me go. “Off, Jenny.”
“I can stay?”
He sighed. “If you get off me, you can stay. I’m busy, though, so you’re just going to sit down somewhere and be quiet. Understood?”
I awkwardly slid down his body when I let go and took a second to right my clothing before meeting his icy gaze and nodding. “You won’t know I’m here.”
His glare said he didn’t believe me.
I watched him stalk back to his desk and sink into his chair. He shoved earbuds into his ears and then lowered his head to work. I wanted to ask him questions since I had him alone, but I knew he’d kick me out if I kept bothering him, so I zipped my lips.
I was curious about him, though, so I couldn’t help peeking around the room a little. He was clean and organized, with everything seemingly in its place. A bookshelf was full in one corner of the room, and I took my time reading the titles. A copy of each DSM sat on the top shelf and I ran my finger over each of them. I sighed and told myself that it wasn’t hot that he was smart. His bookshelf was more inclusive than Landon’s had been, though, and it impressed me.
There were a few pictures on the wall next to the bookshelf and my brother’s stupid face smiled back at me from more than one of them. His dresser held a treasure trove of items. I looked at his cologne and gently picked it up to smell it. I chewed on my lip and put the cologne back with a shaky hand. His cologne smelled so good but what was worse was knowing that he somehow smelled better than what the bottle was giving me, which meant part of that delicious scent was just Ryder.
His wallet sat next to his cell phone and next to them was a sweaty bottle of beer that hadn’t been touched. I glanced back at him to steal a peek, but he was staring at me, a look of annoyance evident on his face.
I jerked my hands back to my side and winced. “Sorry.”
He sighed. “Just…sit, Jenny. Stop touching stuff.”
I huffed out a sigh but sat on the edge of his bed just the same. I didn’t want him kicking me out, even if I did find his bossiness rude and uncalled for. I pulled out my phone and opened my book again. I’d just ignore Ryder and his bad mood. Then, as soon as the party was over, I’d go back to my room and set my bed on fire. Well, Axel’s bed.
I scooted back a little and frowned about Axel. It wasn’t like we were dating. I was barely out of a relationship, and I was pretty sure Axel didn’t date. He had no reason to keep his dick in his pants just because we liked to watch each other masturbate. Still, it pissed me off. I knew that anger was a secondary emotion and that my anger was coming from hurt, but I hated that another man had hurt me, so I focused on the anger.
I shifted back a little more and quietly slipped my shoes off. I didn’t want to put them on Ryder’s bed. That was just rude. I knew I’d bullied and begged my way in, but I wasn’t going to be a pain if I could help it.
I yawned and blinked to clear my vision. I took my glasses off and held them out, so used to Jason being around lately that my brain just assumed he’d be there to take my glasses and clean them. After no one took my glasses, I looked up and snorted before cleaning them myself.
I just held my glasses out to no one and waited for them to be cleaned. We’re spending too much time together. Also, I saw a girl stick her hand down your pants tonight. I hope you feel as sick as I do about it. Congrats on the win, J. Proud of you and love you.
I sent the text to Jason and then yawned again. I was just going to scoot back a little more and lean over just a bit. It was fine. Ryder would probably appreciate me being out of his eyeline if he was struggling to study. As soon as the party ended, I’d leave him alone.
Igaveupontrying to study and just watched as Jenny slowly moved farther and farther into my bed. After a little while, she slumped over with her head on my pillow and sighed. A few minutes more and she managed to wiggle her way under my blanket and fully tuck herself in.
I leaned back in my chair and chewed on the end of my pen. Having Jenny in my bed wasn’t a good idea. Jason would go nuts if he saw her there, but more importantly, I found her too distracting. That had been my biggest holdout to letting her move in with us. She killed my control. I wasn’t so much of an asshole that I would’ve left her homeless because of my own shit. I just couldn’t afford to lose focus. I sighed and closed my books. I had to admit to myself that I wasn’t getting anything else done while she was in my bed.
Jenny Ramsey had my full attention, and she usually did when she was anywhere near me. I’d known of her through Jason, but I’d sat in on a class once while waiting for the professor to be free and I’d caught Jenny presenting a project. She was fucking cute in her oversized sweater and her bright red cheeks. I’d painfully prepared for her to be awkward and quiet, but when she spoke, I’d been dumbstruck. She was bold and her husky voice filled the room like she was born to lead. She was also fucking brilliant and I’d known instantly that she was ten times smarter than me and probably everyone else around me.
I’d gotten a fucking erection while listening to her speak about the development of empathy in children. Instead of meeting with the professor, I’d snuck out and had to jerk off in the bathroom so I could walk around without stabbing people with my dick. Looking Jason in the eye the rest of that week had been awkward.
I didn’t know what it was about her. She was ridiculous. I wasn’t sure she brushed her hair, and she was nosy as shit. I’d been surprised when she hadn’t picked up my wallet to look through it. The fact alone that she’d come into my space was frustrating, but still…there was something about her.
Her words from earlier filled my head and anger clawed at my chest. The fact that people had touched her while she was trying to get to her room made me want to lose my mind and break a few hands. Another reason I needed her to stay the hell away from me.
Instead of clearing her room and carrying her to her own bed like I should’ve, I locked my door to make sure no one came near her and turned off the light. I had a study group first thing in the morning and practice after that. I needed sleep. I told myself that I wasn’t doing anything wrong. I was just sleeping and I needed to sleep in my bed. It didn’t mean anything that Jenny was there.
I pretended everything was completely normal as I stripped down to my briefs and pulled back the covers. Jenny was fully clothed, and we were two adults who both needed to sleep. Lying to myself wasn’t something I normally did, but I was a dumb fuck when it came to Jenny.
I was halfway in the bed when Jenny sat up. She sounded confused and just fucking sweet when she found her voice. “Ryder?”
I slid the rest of the way into bed and folded my arms behind my head. There was less chance I would touch her that way. “Go back to sleep, Jenny.”
She made a cute little huff sound. “Anyone ever tell you that you’re bossy?”
I smiled into the darkness. “Yep.”