Through my tears, I saw the corner of his mouth twitch.

Had I imagined it?

Then a subtle smile slowly emerged on his gorgeous face.


“Say it again, baby,” he whispered with his eyes still closed.

One corner of his mouth turned up in a half-grin. He finally fluttered his eyes open and cupped my cheek to pull me down into a quick kiss.

"What–I don't understand, you were–"

With a loud groan, he sat up and opened his shirt, then rapped his knuckles against it. "Kevlar."

A bulletproof vest? That hadn't even occurred to me. I threw my arms around him so suddenly that we both went down. He laughed and groaned.

"Easy, woman! I just got shot."

I was laughing and crying at the same time because I was so relieved that he seemed okay. I took his face in my hands. "I'm sorry," I said, smiling and crying as I said it. "I'm sorry for everything."

Blake ran his fingers into my hair, his thumb brushing my cheek. "Me too. Now what were you saying to me while I was half-conscious on the ground?"

I could tell he was teasing, at least a little. "You didn't hear it all?" I teased back.

"I did. But I want you to say it again."

"I love you,” I said. Then I kissed him and said it again and again until the EMTs arrived and wanted to check Blake over.

* * *

Blake sat, shirtless, in the back of the ambulance while the EMTs took his vitals and ran a few quick checks to make sure the impact hadn't done any serious damage. He was already bruising, and it would apparently look like he'd been through a meat grinder this time tomorrow. But thank God for the Kevlar that kept the bullet away from his heart.

My father and I stood about twenty feet away, surrounded by some of his staff and a few police officers. I couldn't stop looking at Blake, though. I was so relieved he was only bruised.

"You should have told me," Dad said.

I did finally have to look away from the ambulance to talk to my father. "He insisted for a long time that nothing could happen between us because it would be unprofessional. You know, that's why he quit so suddenly after that gala five years ago?"

Dad shook his head. "I'm not really surprised. He's one of the best who's ever worked for me. It makes sense that he'd try to avoid mixing his business and personal lives." He grinned at me. "You have my blessing. Not that you really need it, Callie. You've always been capable of making your own decisions."

I hugged him. "Thanks, Dad. It’s still nice to know that you approve."

"Not only did he protect you the night you met, but he also let you live with him to keep you safe. And he just threw himself between you and a bullet. Approve isn't strong enough a word, honey."

We walked over to the ambulance where the EMTs looked just about finished assessing Blake. He opened his arms for me, so I hugged him, so relieved everything had turned out okay after all.

I stood with my arm around Blake's back as he looked at my father. "I'm sorry, sir."

"Nonsense, Blake. I might have been a little miffed at first to find out you were dating, but I can't imagine anyone I trust more with my daughter than you." He held out his hand to shake Blake's. "It'll be nice to see you in the mansion from time to time as my daughter's partner instead of as a security detail. Which is my way of hinting that you need to come to family dinners when you can. I can always send a chopper or the plane if you don't want to drive."

He gestured toward the helicopter waiting in the center of the large parking lot. Coming by chopper had been faster than a small plane, and he meant to go back that way too.

"You're good, sheriff." The EMT closed the large red case that sat next to him. "As long as you feel okay, I think you're just looking at serious bruising. If anything changes, of course, let us know immediately."

Blake thanked them and carefully pulled his shirt back on. I tried to help, then got my arm around his waist as soon as possible. After seeing him unconscious on the ground, it was as if I couldn't touch him enough just to make sure he was really there and okay.

"Cathy, bring Matt out here later to get my cruiser, will you? I'm going to ride back with Callie." He stopped and looked at me. "As long as you feel steady enough to drive."